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ABSTRACT: Experiential Learning in an Undergraduate Course in Group Communication and Decision Making

The innovative structure of an undergraduate course on communication and decision making in small groups, based on the framework of Kolb’s experiential learning theory, is described. The course involves doing in-class exercises that replicate published research about a given topic. Exercises involve completion of a group task, the manipulation of

ABSTRACT: The Effects of Group Factors on Deception Detection Performance

Deception has been an important problem in interactive groups, impeding effective group communication and group work, yet deception detection in such a context remains understudied. Extrapolated from the interpersonal deception theory (IDT) and group composition research in cooperative contexts, this research proposes that group factors, including diversity and familiarity, have

ABSTRACT: The Role of Feeling Known for Team Member Outcomes in Project Teams

This research introduces the concept of feeling known—or the belief that others have developed accurate opinions of one’s traits and characteristics—to the team literature. Various theoretical streams posit that acquiring a sense of being known and understood is a central human motivation that leads to positive outcomes for individuals. The

ABSTRACT: Understanding the Group Size Effect in Electronic Brainstorming

A number of studies on electronic brainstorming have found that large electronic groups can facilitate the number of ideas generated relative to control groups of similar numbers of solitary performers (nominal groups). Thus far there is no clear evidence for the basis of this facilitative effect. The most likely explanation

ABSTRACT: Guidelines for ethical and professional use of social media in a hand surgery practice

In growing numbers, patients are using social media platforms as resources to obtain health information and report their experiences in the health care setting. More physicians are making use of these platforms as a means to reach prospective and existing patients, to share information with each other, and to educate

MANUSCRIPT: Ten challenges in improving quality in healthcare: lessons from the Health Foundation’s programme evaluations and relevant literature.

BACKGROUND:Formal evaluations of programmes are an important source of learning about the challenges faced in improving quality in healthcare and how they can be addressed. The authors aimed to integrate lessons from evaluations of the Health Foundations improvement programmes with relevant literature.METHODS:The authors analysed evaluation reports relating to five Health

ABSTRACT: YouTube: An emerging tool in anatomy education.

Abstract The use of online social networks in medical education can remodel and enhance anatomy teaching and learning; one such network is the video-sharing site YouTube. Limited research in the literature exists on the use of YouTube as a platform for anatomy education. The aim of this study is to assess

ABSTRACT: Using YouTube in perioperative nursing education.

Abstract Educators today need innovative teaching strategies to meet the learning needs of the multigenerational population of perioperative nurses. Emerging technologies, such as YouTube, the world's largest video-sharing web site, can be used as a component of an active learning strategy that can appeal to a broad group of nurses along

ABSTRACT: The image of you: constructing nursing identities in YouTube

Abstract AIM:This article is a report on a descriptive study of nursing identity as constructed in the Web 2.0 site YouTube.BACKGROUND:Public images of the nurse carry stereotypes that rely on the taken for granted gender category of the nurse as woman. Nursing images represent a form of public discourse that has

MANUSCRIPT: Clinicians’ expectations of Web 2.0 as a mechanism for knowledge transfer of stroke best practices

Abstract BACKGROUND: Health professionals are increasingly encouraged to adopt an evidence-based practice to ensure greater efficiency of their services. To promote this practice, several strategies exist: distribution of educational materials, local consensus processes, educational outreach visits, local opinion leaders, and reminders. Despite these strategies, gaps continue to be observed between practice and