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Tag : problem-based learning

ABSTRACT: Evaluating neurology CME in two educational methods using Patton’s utilization focused model

BACKGROUND: Generally in continuing education medical education (CME) the most time is consumed for in the planning and preparation of the event. This planning and preparation, however, needs recognition through an evaluative process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate neurology CME in two educational methods, lecture vs task-based learning,

ABSTRACT: Problem-based learning (PBL): getting the most out of your students – their roles and responsibilities

This Guide discusses the considerable literature on the merits or shortcomings of Problem-based learning (PBL), and the factors that promote or inhibit it, when seen through the eyes of the student. It seems to be the case that PBL works best when students and faculty understand the various factors that

ABSTRACT: Effectiveness of student tutors in problem-based learning of undergraduate medical education

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching and learning method designed to develop clinical reasoning skills. Tutor performance in PBL affects both the process and outcome of student learning. In this study, we investigated the factors that influence the evaluation by undergraduate students on the performance of tutors in medical education.

ABSTRACT: How we “breathed life” into problem-based learning cases using a mobile application

Background: Problem-based learning (PBL) has been widely adopted in medical education. Learners become bored with paper-based cases as they progress through their studies. Aim: To breathe life (i.e. develop virtual patients) into paper-based PBL cases. Methods: The "patients" in paper-based PBL cases in one Year 2 were transformed into virtual

ABSTRACT: Understanding the effects of time on collaborative learning processes in problem based learning: a mixed methods study

Little is known how time influences collaborative learning groups in medical education. Therefore a thorough exploration of the development of learning processes over time was undertaken in an undergraduate PBL curriculum over 18 months. A mixed-methods triangulation design was used. First, the quantitative study measured how various learning processes developed within

ABSTRACT: Introducing technology into medical education: Two pilot studies.

OBJECTIVES: Educators are integrating new technology into medical curriculum. The impact of newer technology on educational outcomes remains unclear. We aimed to determine if two pilot interventions, (1) introducing iPads into problem-based learning (PBL) sessions and (2) online tutoring would improve the educational experience of our learners. METHODS: We voluntarily assigned 26 second-year