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ABSTRACT: Impact of performance improvement continuing medical education on cardiometabolic risk factor control: the COSEHC initiative

INTRODUCTION: The Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control (COSEHC) implemented a study to assess benefits of a performance improvement continuing medical education (PI CME) activity focused on cardiometabolic risk factor management in primary care patients. METHODS: Using the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) model as the foundation, this PI CME activity aimed at improving practice gaps by

MANUSCRIPT: Learning to collaborate: a case study of performance improvement CME [2008]

INTRODUCTION: Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education (PI CME) is a mechanism for joining quality improvement (QI) in health care to continuing medical education (CME) systems together. Although QI practices and CME approaches have been recognized for years, what emerges from their integration is largely unfamiliar, because it requires the collaboration of

ABSTRACT: Effect of a Performance Improvement CME Activity on Management of Patients With Diabetes.

INTRODUCTION: Primary care in the United States faces unprecedented challenges from an aging population and the accompanying prevalence of chronic disease. In response, continuing medical education (CME) initiatives have begun to adopt the principles of performance improvement (PI) into their design, although currently there is a dearth of evidence from national

ABSTRACT: Constructing an adaptive care model for the management of disease-related symptoms throughout the course of multiple sclerosis–performance improvement CME.

BACKGROUND: Symptom management remains a challenging clinical aspect of MS. OBJECTIVE: To design a performance improvement continuing medical education (PI CME) activity for better clinical management of multiple sclerosis (MS)-related depression, fatigue, mobility impairment/falls, and spasticity. METHODS: Ten volunteer MS centers participated in a three-stage PI CME model: A) baseline assessment; B) practice improvement CME

ABSTRACT: Preventive intervention in diabetes: a new model for continuing medical education

Abstract Competence and skills in overcoming clinical inertia for diabetes treatment, and actually supporting and assisting the patient through adherence and compliance (as opposed to just reiterating what they "should" be doing and then assigning them the blame if they fail) is a key component to success in addressing diabetes, and