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Tag : natural learning actions

EdTechReview’s ‘149 Amazing Google Tricks to Increase Effectiveness of your Search’

Here is a great resource that we might consider building CE around as a means of supporting the lifelong, natural learning actions of clinicians (and I bet you will want to share this with your colleagues too): EXCERPT: Google is the most popular search engine and most of the people use it

What do primary care practitioners want to know? A content analysis of questions asked at the point of care

INTRODUCTION: Assessing physician needs to develop continuing medical education (CME) activities is an integral part of CME curriculum development. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the feasibility of identifying areas of perceived greatest needs for continuing medical education (CME) by using questions collected electronically at the point of

ABSTRACT: Open-book tests: search behaviour, time used and test scores

BACKGROUND: Because of the increasing medical knowledge and the focus of medical education on acquiring competencies, the use of open-book tests seems inevitable. Dealing with a large body of information, indicating which kind of information is needed to solve a problem, and finding and understanding that knowledge at the right moment

MANUSCRIPT: An exploratory study into the effect of time-restricted internet access on face-validity, construct validity and reliability of postgraduate knowledge progress testing.

BACKGROUND: Yearly formative knowledge testing (also known as progress testing) was shown to have a limited construct-validity and reliability in postgraduate medical education. One way to improve construct-validity and reliability is to improve the authenticity of a test. As easily accessible internet has become inseparably linked to daily clinical practice, we

Is adult learning theory enough?

For the past 20 years the professional guild of healthcare educators has been increasingly leveraging adult learning theory in the development of content and in the delivery of content to clinician learners. And every few years a meta-analysis is published exploring the impact of this education on knowledge change or

ABSTRACT: Perceptions of the roles of social networking in simulation augmented medical education and training

Simulation-augmented education and training (SAET) is an expensive educational tool that may be facilitated through social networking technologies or Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). This study examined the perceptions of medical undergraduates participating in SAET for knot tying skills to identify perceptions and barriers to implementation of social networking technologies

ABSTRACT: Profiling undergraduates’ generic learning skills on entry to medical school; an international study.

BACKGROUND: Medical education faces challenges posed by widening access to training, a demand for globally competent healthcare workers and progress towards harmonisation of standards. AIM: To explore potential challenges arising from variation in diversity and educational background of medical school entrants. METHOD: This study investigated the reported experience and confidence, in a range of 31