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Tag : higher education

Higher Education Conferences You Must Attend

Attending higher education conferences is the best way to keep yourself up-to-date about the latest happening of the industry. Therefore, we have compiled this list of higher education conferences in order to let you know the dates and venue of the important events of 2014. via Higher Education Conferences You Must
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Online Education Has A Very Bright Future

Multiple industry reports released over the past few weeks predict the continued rise of e-learning and the adoption of new technology and learning models, from higher education to corporate training. The 2014 Horizon Report from the New Media Consortium and the Educause Learning Initiative shows that a rapidly increasing number of universities are incorporating online learning environments into courses of all kinds; making
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RESOURCE: 77% of Academic Leaders Rate MOOC Outcomes Same or Superior to Face-to-Face Learning – Compass Higher Education Consulting

Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States,” a 2012 collaborative survey report based on responses from over 2,800 academic leaders and published by the Babson Survey Research Group, College Board and the Sloan Consortium, shows a clear migration and accepting uptake of MOOC’S (Massive Open