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Tag : groups

ABSTRACT: Goal Instructions, Response Format, and Idea Generation in Groups

This study examined the separate and joint impact of two standard, but seemingly conflicting brainstorming rules on idea generation in interacting and nominal groups: the free-wheeeling rule, which calls for the production of dissimilar ideas, and the build-on rule, which encourages idea combination and improvement. We also tested whether the

ABSTRACT: Experiential Learning in an Undergraduate Course in Group Communication and Decision Making

The innovative structure of an undergraduate course on communication and decision making in small groups, based on the framework of Kolb’s experiential learning theory, is described. The course involves doing in-class exercises that replicate published research about a given topic. Exercises involve completion of a group task, the manipulation of

ABSTRACT: The Effects of Group Factors on Deception Detection Performance

Deception has been an important problem in interactive groups, impeding effective group communication and group work, yet deception detection in such a context remains understudied. Extrapolated from the interpersonal deception theory (IDT) and group composition research in cooperative contexts, this research proposes that group factors, including diversity and familiarity, have

ABSTRACT: The Role of Feeling Known for Team Member Outcomes in Project Teams

This research introduces the concept of feeling known—or the belief that others have developed accurate opinions of one’s traits and characteristics—to the team literature. Various theoretical streams posit that acquiring a sense of being known and understood is a central human motivation that leads to positive outcomes for individuals. The

ABSTRACT: Understanding the Group Size Effect in Electronic Brainstorming

A number of studies on electronic brainstorming have found that large electronic groups can facilitate the number of ideas generated relative to control groups of similar numbers of solitary performers (nominal groups). Thus far there is no clear evidence for the basis of this facilitative effect. The most likely explanation