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Tag : formative assessment

MANUSCRIPT: Medical student web-based formative assessment tool for renal pathology

BACKGROUND: Web-based formative assessment tools have become widely recognized in medical education as valuable resources for self-directed learning. OBJECTIVES: To explore the educational value of formative assessment using online quizzes for kidney pathology learning in our renal pathophysiology course. METHODS: Students were given unrestricted and optional access to quizzes. Performance on quizzed and non-quizzed materials

RESOURCE: 13 Tools Teachers Would Love For Formative Assessments

Educators do assessment to check student’s knowledge in a subject or topic. Teachers need to check in different ways if their students are meeting the standards set by them.Practices like formative assessment refer to a number of methods that educator can use to gather comprehensive information on student learning in real

ABSTRACT: Motivating student learning using a formative assessment journey

Providing formative assessment opportunities has been recognised as a significant benefit to student learning. The outcome of any formative assessment should be one that ultimately helps improve student learning through familiarising students with the levels of learning required, informing them about gaps in their learning and providing feedback to guide