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Tag : commitment to change

MANUSCRIPT: Effect of a primary care continuing education program on clinical practice of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: translating theory into practice.

Abstract OBJECTIVES: To describe the development and implementation process and assess the effect on self-reported clinical practice changes of a multidisciplinary, collaborative, interactive continuing medical education (CME)/continuing education (CE) program on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: Multidisciplinary subject matter experts and education specialists used a systematic instructional design approach and collaborated with the

MANUSCRIPT: The impact on medical practice of commitments to change following CME lectures: A randomized controlled trial

Abstract Background: Self-reported commitment to change (CTC) could be a potentially valuable method to address the need for continuing medical education (CME) to demonstrate clinical outcomes. Aim: This study determines: (1) are clinicians who make CTCs more likely to report changes in their medical practices and (2) do these changes persist over time? Methods: Intervention

ABSTRACT: Unanticipated learning outcomes associated with commitment to change in continuing medical education

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Educator-derived, predetermined instructional objectives are integral to the traditional instructional model and form the linkage between instructional design and postinstruction evaluation. The traditional model does not consider unanticipated learning outcomes. We explored the contribution of learner-identified desired outcomes compared with learner outcomes that were not named in the instructional design. METHOD: This

ABSTRACT: Information about barriers to planned change: a randomized controlled trial involving continuing medical education lectures and commitment to change.

Abstract PURPOSE: To determine whether practicing physicians receiving only clinical information at a traditional continuing medical education (CME) lecture (control group) and physicians receiving clinical information plus information about barriers to behavioral change (study group) would alter their clinical behaviors at the same rate. METHOD: In a randomized controlled trial, the investigators matched 13

ABSTRACT: Commitment to change statements: a way of understanding how participants use information and skills taught in an educational session.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Commitment to change has gained increasing use in assessing short course effectiveness. This study examined the changes that learners intended to make in practice following an intensive day-long course offered at multiple sites, counted changes relative to the curriculum's focus, and analyzed which changes were implemented in practice. METHODS: Participants at a