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RESOURCE: MIT Researchers: Crowdsourced Outlines Improve Learning from Videos

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University are using crowd-sourced conceptual outlines to help learners get more out of educational videos.

The outlines can work as navigation tools, so that “viewers already familiar with some of a video’s content can skip ahead, while others can backtrack to review content they missed the first time around,” according to a news release from MIT.

“That addresses one of the fundamental problems with videos,” said Juho Kim, an MIT graduate student in electrical engineering and computer science and one of the paper’s co-authors, in a prepared statement. “It’s really hard to find the exact spots that you want to watch. You end up scrubbing on the timeline carefully and looking at thumbnails. And with educational videos, especially, it’s really hard, because it’s not that visually dynamic. So we thought that having this semantic information about the video really helps.”

via MIT Researchers: Crowdsourced Outlines Improve Learning from Videos — Campus Technology.

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