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MANUSCRIPT: Short- and long-term transfer of urethral catheterization skills from simulation training to performance on patients

Background Inexperienced interns are responsible for most iatrogenic complications after urethral catheterization (UC). Although training on simulators is common, little is known about the transfer of learned skills to real clinical practice. This study aimed to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of UC simulated skills training on performance on real

MANUSCRIPT: Computer game-based and traditional learning method: a comparison regarding students’ knowledge retention

Results Students that received the game-based method performed better in the pos-test assessment only when considering the Anatomy questions section. Students that received the traditional lecture performed better in both post-test and long-term post-test when considering the Anatomy and Physiology questions. Conclusions The game-based learning method is comparable to the traditional learning method in general and in

RESOURCE: Professors Say Technology Helps in Logistics, Not Learning

...the report suggests, technology is more often used by professors for managerial reasons, such as to help with the demands of growing class sizes. While Mr. Johnson said most college administrators are not yet requiring professors to use instructional technologies, the pressure of teaching more than 300 students at once,

RESOURCE: ‘Social reading’ the next phase of e-book revolution

According to Bob Stein, a digital pioneer, the future of books is "social reading." Digital booksellers, like Amazon and Indigo, have harnessed social media from the start. They and other sellers encourage their customers to comment on books in company-controlled chat spaces. But these digital walled gardens are way too limited for