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RESOURCE: Take Note | An exploration of note-taking in Harvard University Collections

Notes surround us. Whether in the form of lab notebooks, fieldnotes, sketchbooks, class notes, or surreptitious shorthand notes on plays and sermons, notetaking forms the basis of every scholarly discipline as well as of most literate people’s daily lives. Millennia after a potsherd from second-century Egypt, notes remain the lowest

RESOURCE: Note-Taking Seminars at Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study –

...the conference was more than a celebration of quirky marginalia and academic navel-gazing. The study of notes — whether pasted into commonplace books, inscribed on index cards or scribbled in textbooks — is part of a broader scholarly investigation into the history of reading, a field that has gained ground

RESOURCE: Online class providers will grant credentials, for a fee

Providers of free online classes are experimenting with academic security measures that will enable students who successfully complete the college courses to obtain credentials, for a small fee, that convey some of the cachet of a premier university.The credentials, or certificates, won’t translate into course credit toward a degree —

ABSTRACT: Temporal reasoning over clinical text: the state of the art

Objectives To provide an overview of the problem of temporal reasoning over clinical text and to summarize the state of the art in clinical natural language processing for this task. Target audience This overview targets medical informatics researchers who are unfamiliar with the problems and applications of temporal reasoning over clinical

ABSTRACT: Patient–provider communication and trust in relation to use of an online patient portal among diabetes patients: The Diabetes and Aging Study — Lyles et al. — Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

Patient–provider relationships influence diabetes care; less is known about their impact on online patient portal use. Diabetes patients rated provider communication and trust. In this study, we linked responses to electronic medical record data on being a registered portal user and using secure messaging (SM). We specified regression models to