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New Playbooks Authored by ArcheMedX Explore Digital Transformation in Clinical Trials

ArcheMedX, a leader in behavior-based learning and operational insights for life sciences organizations, announced the release of two new whitepaper companions to its recent report, “COVID-19’s Impact on Virtual Tech in Clinical Trials.” These whitepapers, focused on clinical research organizations and clinical trial sponsors, respectively, are intended to be playbooks that lay out the specific actions each group should take based on the report’s findings.

Each whitepaper reveals five immediate priorities across the clinical trial cycle where sponsors and CROs must focus. The playbooks also provide access to detailed resources that explore how to adopt digital initiatives supporting each priority.

“The data we uncovered revealed a dramatic shift in the perceived need to virtualize trial activities by CROs and trial sponsors,” said Joel Selzer, CEO and co-founder of ArcheMedX. “We released these playbooks to provide each group with tailored insights and immediate steps they can take to digitally transform their clinical operations.”

To identify the insights, the ArcheMedX team surveyed clinical operations leaders across pharmaceuticals, biotech, and clinical research organizations earlier in 2020. The team delved into how these leaders planned to adopt virtual solutions to advance clinical research in the current and post-pandemic environment, and ultimately produced the 45-page report with the findings.

After discovering that Sponsors and CROs had different priorities, ArcheMedX determined to release more actionable content to help bridge that gap.

According to Kelly Ritch, EVP of Clinical Research Solutions at ArcheMedX. “Since sponsors have made it clear that they’re expecting to adopt virtual technology throughout site selection and study start-up, it was surprising to see some areas where CROs need to catch up. These whitepapers are impactful because they don’t just expose areas for improvement at both CROs and sponsor organizations – they actually lay out the process to improve.”

ArcheMedX provides a software platform, Ready, that enables CROs and Sponsors to predict and improve clinical trial site and team performance. The findings in the report mirror the increased adoption Ready has experienced across the industry as the platform reveals precisely which sites, teams, and individuals are likely to be high performers and enables CROs and Sponsors to remediate potential risk areas — earlier than ever before.

Whitepapers are available now

The whitepapers, focused on clinical research organizations and clinical trial sponsors, respectively, are available now for download.

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