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NBME – Constructing Written Test Questions For the Basic and Clinical Sciences

Outcomes/Measurement | Learning ScienceCME ProfessionBehavioral Science | Cognitive Psychology

This manual reflects lessons that the NBME Test Development Services unit has learned in developing items and examinations over the past 30 years. During this time, NBME staff members have reviewed countless multiple-choice items and have worked with hundreds of test material development, item writing, and item review committees for USMLE Step exams, NBME exams, and specialty board exams. In addition, our staff members have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to conduct item writing workshops for thousands of item writers, including faculty members at hundreds of national and international health science schools who were interested in developing items for their own examinations. We can personally attest that each committee and workshop attendee has helped us examine our methods, rethink our arguments, and better frame our thoughts regarding how to write high-quality test items. We hope the revised version of this manual continues to be a source of wisdom and encouragement for item writers throughout the health professions world. Finally, we are indebted to our editorial predecessors, on whose broad shoulders we have stood in enhancing this text.

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