Taking tests enhances learning. But what happens when one cannot answer a test question— does an unsuccessful retrieval attempt impede future learning or enhance it? The authors examined this question using materials that ensured that retrieval attempts would be unsuccessful. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were asked fictional general-knowledge questions (e.g., “What peace treaty ended the Calumet War?”). In Experiments 3– 6, participants were shown a cue word (e.g., whale) and were asked to guess a weak associate (e.g., mammal); the rare trials on which participants guessed the correct response were excluded from the analyses. In the test condition, participants attempted to answer the question before being shown the answer; in the read-only condition, the question and answer were presented together. Unsuccessful retrieval attempts enhanced learning with both types of materials. These results demonstrate that retrieval attempts enhance future learning; they also suggest that taking challenging tests—instead of avoiding errors—may be one key to effective learning.
The Stories Your Data (can) Tell: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Participation Phases of Learning and What They Teach Us
From recognizing the signs of mere certificate seekers to enhancing the match between educational content and clinician expectations, this white paper sheds light on the path to tailor CME programs that not only resonate with medical professionals but also foster impactful learning outcomes.