Recent events have struck at the very soul of our nation. They demand nothing less than our immediate attention and swift action.
We must recognize that our Black friends, colleagues, family members, and neighbors carry an undue burden. We, society at large and each of us individually, have failed them. We may recognize and condemn the systemic hate, racism, and inequality the Black community continues to endure, but we have not done enough. We must do more than issue statements and encourage conversations.
We will only see true change in our world if these difficult conversations turn to positive actions.
At ArcheMedX, we believe in taking action and will always stand in solidarity against racism, inequality, and discrimination. There is no place in our hearts, in our company, and in our country for hate and divisiveness. We commit ourselves to taking corrective actions that will help in healing these deep seeded wounds and will work collaboratively with any and all partners to end discrimination and suffering in our community and our world. Though we can not change the past, we can learn from it and change the future.
As a company, we are committed to taking these initial actions:
- We will work diligently in our company, our communities, and our own homes to improve understanding and drive the narrative that racism is intolerable and that it’s up to each individual, institution, and community to ensure equity, inclusion, and a true sense of belonging.
- We will work with our healthcare and life science partners to develop new education and training programs that promote equality and an end to systemic racism. To accelerate these efforts, we will provide our services free of charge and make use of the ArcheMedX platform available at no cost to deliver more effective online learning experiences in these critical areas.
- We will increase the diversity of our own team and ensure that we invest in recruiting and developing talent programs that increase awareness and opportunities among Black candidates and all communities of color.
There is no excuse for discrimination and mistreatment of anyone, especially because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other characteristic. We must ALL commit to taking action and that begins in our own small corner of the world.
The ArcheMedX team will do more than elevate the conversation, we will become an active part of the change we so desperately need.
Joel Selzer
CEO, ArcheMedX