We have all witnessed the remarkable dedication of our first responders and healthcare workers as they fight each and every day to save the old and young battling COVID-19. There are many more heroes working in meat processing plants, food stores, delivery services, and pharmacies (to name just a few), who place the needs of our community above their own health and safety in many cases. Those of us not on these front lines, but with the will and the means to make a positive impact, are all trying to contribute both personally and professionally.
In the weeks since I outlined the steps we took as a company in response to COVID-19, I have never been prouder of our team at ArcheMedX. Like many of our colleagues across the industry, we have been working overtime to support our healthcare and life science partners AND to develop new solutions in the fight against COVID-19. Given our collective experience and resources, we have focussed our efforts at improving the knowledge and preparedness of frontline healthcare workers, clinical research teams, and public health professionals.
To that end, we accelerated development of a new PDF centric learning and insights solution and rapidly produced two additional COVID-19 related learning Activities to assist the clinical research and public health communities during this difficult period. Both Activities are offered free of charge and layer expert advice and multi-media resources around essential documents in this fight.
Ensuring Clinical Trials Continue During the Pandemic
There are now more 650 clinical trials racing to deliver a medication or vaccine for COVID-19 and every clinical operations team is adapting to changing conditions on the fly.
This pandemic represents a seismic shift in how clinical research is conducted and our FDA Guidance Activity was developed to assist these clinical operations teams in understanding how to interpret and apply the “FDA’s Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19 Pandemic“. This activity layers expert advice and practical resources in and around the latest FDA guidance that was issued on April 2nd and is intended to help clinical operations better prepare for today’s trials and tomorrow’s emerging challenges.
Click here to access the FDA Activity.
Investing in Public Health Infrastructure to Contain COVID-19
Whether or not you agree with the push to relax social distancing and re-open the country, public health experts agree we need far more extensive testing and the ability to contact trace and isolate cases to prevent future spread of #COVID19.
To help achieve this goal, the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University authored a national plan to implement a comprehensive contact tracing program that calls for at least 100,000 new public health workers. Our Contact Tracing Activity was rapidly developed to increase awareness and understanding of the, “National Plan to Enable Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing in the US. This Activity layers expert advice and multi-media resources from the CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins, MIT and other global institutions around the national plan to explain why the need for widespread testing and contact tracing is so critical.
Click here to access the Contact Tracing Activity.
Please explore the Activities and share them with your clinical research and public health colleagues. Let’s work together to increase awareness of how we can contain the spread of #COVID19.