SCOPE 2020 is almost upon us!
This year, ArcheMedX is helping to shape the conversation on how we, as clinical operations leaders, can improve clinical trial readiness. It is our hope to connect with you and your colleagues in Orlando to spark a conversation that explores operational challenges further and helps to identify practical solutions to increase trial preparedness.
We often ask industry leaders, “Given the months (or years) that you invest in planning a trial, are you confident that your sites and staff are ready to conduct the study? You may be surprised by how your team and fellow clinical operations leaders respond when answering this question.

In our conversations across the industry, most leaders recognize that their confidence is often based on wishful thinking (i.e., relying on past performance and completion of standard initiation steps) vs. hard data because they lack the ability to effectively evaluate how ready their sites and staff truly are. These challenges can be overcome by more experienced leaders who can quickly spot critical warning signs and navigate around painful challenges or even outright failure in their studies.
To that end, we launched a new interview series “Conversations in Clinical Trial Readiness” with clinical research leaders to share the insights, lessons learned, and strategies to avoid the operational pitfalls that too often derail promising studies.
Please join our team at SCOPE for your own conversation:
- Meet us for coffee and add your voice to our new interview series alongside leaders from Merck, ARG, Aperio and more!
- Schedule a deep dive with our leadership team to discuss your readiness goals and learn more about ArcheMedX
- Get live demonstrations of Ready, our clinical trials platform that improves project team and site readiness by analyzing behavioral data to inform clinical operations
- Check our Clinical Research Blog during SCOPE for insights into the conversations taking place at the Summit
Click here to contact our team to arrange a conversation.
See you in Orlando!