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Category : Social Media & Medical Education

MANUSCRIPT: Growing a professional network to over 3000 members in less than 4 years

BACKGROUND: Use of Web 2.0 and social media technologies has become a new area of research among health professionals. Much of this work has focused on the use of technologies for health self-management and the ways technologies support communication between care providers and consumers. This paper addresses a new use of

ABSTRACT: What is appropriate to post on social media? Ratings from students, faculty members and the public

BJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to ascertain what medical students, doctors and the public felt was unprofessional for medical students, as future doctors, to post on a social media site, Facebook(®) . The significance of this is that unprofessional content reflects poorly on a student, which in turn can

ABSTRACT: Using social media in supportive and palliative care research.

Difficulties relating to supportive and palliative care research are often reported. However, studies have highlighted that people near the end of life are happy to participate in research and want their voices heard. Thus, one may raise a twofold question: are we limiting the freewill of people who are seriously

ABSTRACT: Social Media for Diabetes Health Education – Inclusive or Exclusive?

Technological innovations are rising rapidly and are inevitably becoming part of the health care environment. Patients frequently access Social media as a forum for discussion of personal health issues; and healthcare providers are now considering ways of harnessing social media as a source of learning and teaching. This review highlights

RESOURCE: 5 Social Media Trends Within Healthcare in 2014 | Zach Cutler

Every year, social media increasingly integrates with almost every aspect of daily life. According to the Pew Research Center, 73 percent of adults online use some form of social media. So it's not surprising that social media is beginning to work its way into the healthcare arena. A report by the

ABSTRACT: Building an open academic environment – a new approach to empowering students in their learning of anatomy through ‘Shadow Modules’.

Teaching and learning in anatomy is undertaken by a variety of methodologies, yet all of these pedagogies benefit from students discussing and reflecting upon their learning activities. An approach of particular potency is peer-mediated learning, through either peer-teaching or collaborative peer-learning. Collaborative, peer-mediated, learning activities help promote deep learning approaches

RESOURCE: Amazing Ways Twitter Can Give Wings to Your Professional Development

Twitter can act as powerful and economical mean to give your students best and latest information on various subjects. However, a lot of educators just feel overwhelmed on how to make best of Twitter. Here are some easy yet effective ways Twitter can help in your professional development. Use Hashtags to

ABSTRACT: Social media: opportunities for quality improvement and lessons for providers

Social media brings a new dimension to health care for patients, providers, and their support networks. Increasing evidence demonstrates that patients who are more actively involved in their healthcare experience have better health outcomes and incur lower costs. In the field of cardiology, social media are proposed as innovative tools