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Category : Social Media & Medical Education

ABSTRACT: Understanding trust formation in digital information sources: The case of Wikipedia

Abstract This article contributes to knowledge on how users establish the trustworthiness of digital information. An exploratory two-stage study was conducted with Master’s and undergraduate students in information studies. In the first phase of the study respondents commented on the factors and processes associated with trust formation. Participants commented on authorship

ABSTRACT: Finding more trustworthy answers: Various trustworthiness factors in question answering

Abstract In the recent explosion of Web information, it is important to find not only appropriate, but also more trustworthy answers to user questions. This paper proposes an improved ranking model for question answering (QA) which is focused on various answer trustworthiness factors. Contrary to past research that simply focused on

ABSTRACT: Strategies for justifying counter-arguments in Q&A discussion

Abstract: This study examines the strategies employed in justifying counter-arguments against answers provided in Q&A (question and answer) discussion. The study also explores how information sources are used in support of such arguments. The findings draw on the analysis of 100 discourse episodes focusing on global warming – a controversial

ABSTRACT: Leveraging microblogging big data with a modified density-based clustering approach for event awareness and topic ranking

Abstract Although diverse groups argue about the potential and true value benefits from social-media big data, there is no doubt that the era of big data exploitation has begun, driving the development of novel data-centric applications. Big data is notable not only because of its size, but also because of the

RESOURCE: Google Shows ‘How Search Works’ With New Site

Ever wondered how Google’s search works? The company launched a new website Friday, appropriately called How Search Works, to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the process from start to finish. “Here you can follow the entire life of a search query, from the web, to crawling and indexing, to algorithmic

ABSTRACT: Health-related hot topic detection in online communities using text clustering.

Abstract Recently, health-related social media services, especially online health communities, have rapidly emerged. Patients with various health conditions participate in online health communities to share their experiences and exchange healthcare knowledge. Exploring hot topics in online health communities helps us better understand patients' needs and interest in health-related knowledge. However, the

MANUSCRIPT: A student authored online medical education textbook: editing patterns and content evaluation of a medical student wiki.

Abstract The University of Minnesota medical student wiki (UMMedWiki) allows students to collaboratively edit classroom notes to support medical education. Since 2007, UMMedWiki has grown to include 1,591 articles that have collectively received 1.2 million pageviews. Although small-scale wikis have become increasingly important, little is known about their dynamics compared to

ABSTRACT: The Characteristics of Unsuccessful E-Mentoring Relationships for Youth With Disabilities

Abstract Recently, researchers have focused on the benefits of e-mentoring for young people with disabilities, such as greater access to sources of information and support. Relatively few researchers have explored the problem of unsuccessful e-mentoring relationships, i.e., mentors and mentored individuals who withdraw from an e-mentoring program before completion. Our findings