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Category : Rapid Learning Healthcare System

ABSTRACT: Leveraging Social Networks for Toxicovigilance

Abstract The landscape of drug abuse is shifting. Traditional means of characterizing these changes, such as national surveys or voluntary reporting by frontline clinicians, can miss changes in usage the emergence of novel drugs. Delays in detecting novel drug usage patterns make it difficult to evaluate public policy aimed at altering

RESOURCE: Proving dissemination is only one half of your impact story: Twitter provides proof of real-time engagement with the public

Especially in arts and humanities disciplines which may not have readily quantifiable economic benefits, the movement of research from academic to public discourse may be a key component of an impact statement. For REF 2014, impact is defined as “an effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture,

ABSTRACT: Barriers to Improving Primary Care of Depression

Using clinical trials, researchers have demonstrated effective methods for treating depression in primary care, but improvements based on these trials are not being implemented. This might be because these improvements require more systematic organizational changes than can be made by individual physicians. We interviewed 82 physicians and administrative leaders of

RESOURCE: How natural language processing can help EHRs

Consider natural language processing (NLP), a technology that can produce readable summaries of chunks of text. Basic examples of NLP include social media, newspaper articles, and, as the Parliament of Canada and the European Union have done, translating governmental proceedings into all official languages. But this is just the tip

RESOURCE: Elsevier reveals new layout for Article of the Future

The Article of the Future project is Elsevier’s “never-ending quest to explore better ways to create and deliver the formal published record”. In the latest phase of this ‘quest’, the project team have worked with more than 150 researchers, authors, publishers and editors to come up with multiple prototypes for a new

MANUSCRIPT: Making the Case for Continuous Learning from Routinely Collected Data

In "Making the Case for Continuous Learning from Routinely Collected Data," the authors suggest that in order to achieve better health, patients and clinicians will need to view every health care encounter as providing an opportunity to improve outcomes. The paper cites widely-reported examples of routinely collected digital health data

ABSTRACT: Local social knowledge management: A case study of social learning and knowledge sharing across organizational boundaries

Abstract Knowledge management is normally approached in the context of a single organization’s activities. Recently the focus has been extended to activities which span beyond organizational boundaries, especially to the key role of social learning across organizations. The concept of ‘local social knowledge management’ has been used to stress the process

ABSTRACT: A centralized research data repository enhances retrospective outcomes research capacity: a case report

Abstract This paper describes our considerations and methods for implementing an open-source centralized research data repository (CRDR) and reports its impact on retrospective outcomes research capacity in the urology department at Columbia University. We performed retrospective pretest and post-test analyses of user acceptance, workflow efficiency, and publication quantity and quality (measured

MANUSCRIPT: Physicians perceptions of an educational support system integrated into an electronic health record.

Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions by physicians of an educational system integrated into an electronic health record (EHR). Traditional approaches to continuous medical education (CME) have not shown improvement in patient health care outcomes. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) has implemented a system that

ABSTRACT: Attitudes of Primary Care Providers and Recommendations of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

Abstract To assess primary care providers' (PCPs) opinions related to recommending home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) for their hypertensive patients, the authors analyzed a Web-based 2010 DocStyles survey, which included PCPs' demographics, health-related behaviors, recommendations on HBPM, views of patient knowledge, and use of continuing medical education. Of the 1254 PCPs