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Category : Rapid Learning Healthcare System

RESOURCE: The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class

We are moving away from the model in which learning is organized around stable, usually hierarchical institutions (schools, colleges, universities) that, for better and worse, have served as the main gateways to education and social mobility. Replacing that model is a new system in which learning is best conceived of

MANUSCRIPT: Advancing medicine one research note at a time: the educational value in clinical case reports.

Abstract A case report--a brief written note that describes unique aspects of a clinical case--provides a significant function in medicine given its rapid, succinct, and educational contributions to scientific literature and clinical practice. Despite the growth of, and emphasis on, randomized clinical trials and evidenced-based medicine, case reports continue to provide

ABSTRACT: Survey of academic pediatric hospitalist programs in the US: Organizational, administrative, and financial factors

AbstractBACKGROUND:Many pediatric academic centers have hospital medicine programs. Anecdotal data suggest that variability exists in program structure.OBJECTIVE:To provide a description of the organizational, administrative, and financial structures of academic pediatric hospital medicine (PHM).METHODS:This online survey focused on the organizational, administrative, and financial aspects of academic PHM programs, which were defined

ABSTRACT: The patient satisfaction chasm: the gap between hospital management and frontline clinicians — Rozenblum et al. 22 (3): 242 — BMJ Quality and Safety

Abstract Background Achieving high levels of patient satisfaction requires hospital management to be proactive in patient-centred care improvement initiatives and to engage frontline clinicians in this process. Method We developed a survey to assess the attitudes of clinicians towards hospital management activities with respect to improving patient satisfaction and surveyed clinicians in

MANUSCRIPT: Exploring the use of social media to measure journal article impact.

Abstract Science blogs, Twitter commentary, and comments on journal websites represent an immediate response to journal articles, and may help in identifying relevant publications. However, the use of these media for establishing paper impact is not well studied. Using Wikipedia as a proxy for other social media, we explore the correlation

ABSTRACT: The Characteristics of Unsuccessful E-Mentoring Relationships for Youth With Disabilities

Abstract Recently, researchers have focused on the benefits of e-mentoring for young people with disabilities, such as greater access to sources of information and support. Relatively few researchers have explored the problem of unsuccessful e-mentoring relationships, i.e., mentors and mentored individuals who withdraw from an e-mentoring program before completion. Our findings

MANUSCRIPT: WikiBuild: a new online collaboration process for multistakeholder tool development and consensus building

Abstract BACKGROUND: Production of media such as patient education tools requires methods that can integrate multiple stakeholder perspectives. Existing consensus techniques are poorly suited to design of visual media, can be expensive and logistically demanding, and are subject to caveats arising from group dynamics such as participant hierarchies. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to develop

MANUSCRIPT: Putting the Public into Public Health Information Dissemination: Social Media and Health-related Web Pages

ABSTRACT Public health information dissemination represents an interesting combination of broadcasting, sharing, and retrieving relevant health information. Social media-based public health information dissemination offers some particularly interesting characteristics, as individual users or members of the public actually carry out the actions that constitute the dissemination. These actions also may inherently provide