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Category : Rapid Learning Healthcare System

RESOURCE: Integrating EHR with medical education for improved care

Physicians and other healthcare providers are mandated to complete anywhere from 12 to 50 hours of continuing medical education (CME) yearly. The problem is that few clinicians know whether those hours of education have a meaningful impact on real-world patient outcomes. In other words, does learning a new diagnostic strategy

MANUSCRIPT: Verification in referral-based crowdsourcing

Abstract Online social networks offer unprecedented potential for rallying a large number of people to accomplish a given task. Here we focus on information gathering tasks where rare information is sought through "referral-based crowdsourcing": the information request is propagated recursively through invitations among members of a social network. Whereas previous work

ABSTRACT: Patient-centered care requires a patient-oriented workflow model

AbstractEffective design of health information technology HIT for patient-centered care requires consideration of workflow from the patients perspective, termed ‘patient-oriented workflow.’ This approach organizes the building blocks of work around the patients who are moving through the care system. Patient-oriented workflow complements the more familiar clinician-oriented workflow approaches, and offers

ABSTRACT: Testicular cancer survivors’ supportive care needs and use of online support: a cross-sectional survey.

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The supportive care needs of testicular cancer survivors have not been comprehensively studied. Likewise, there is limited research on their use of the Internet or social media applications--tools that are popular among young adults and which could be used to address their needs. METHODS: Two hundred and four testicular cancer patients receiving

ABSTRACT: Harnessing the cloud of patient experience: using social media to detect poor quality healthcare

Abstract Recent years have seen increasing interest in patient-centred care and calls to focus on improving the patient experience. At the same time, a growing number of patients are using the internet to describe their experiences of healthcare. We believe the increasing availability of patients’ accounts of their care on blogs,

ABSTRACT: Improving resident education in quality improvement: role for a resident quality improvement director

Abstract RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: As a component of the practice-based core competency of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, all residents must receive training to be able to evaluate and improve their patient care practices. To further enhance our overall resident quality improvement (QI) educational experience, and to ensure resident involvement

RESOURCE: Big Data Use In Healthcare Needs Governance, Education

Healthcare organizations should adopt a standardized framework for data governance if they want to harness the power of big data, says a new report. But governance is but one element in the highly complex world of healthcare information, where many long-held practices must change, says the report, from the Institute

RESOURCE: Health Care Quality Measurement for Doctors’ Offices Needs Improvement

In its 2001 report Crossing the Quality Chasm, the Institute of Medicine outlined six domains of quality in medical care: safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency and equity. But, Dr. Tara Bishop writes in a new viewpoint article published online March 21, in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),