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BREAKING Ebola Facts | Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education

Publish Date:  Tuesday, October 14, 2014 In response to the Ebola public health emergency, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has provided an Ebola education package for CME providers. This package contains information that the American Hospital Association believes would be useful to healthcare providers and institutions right now, including this informational PowerPoint.

RESOURCE: Decision support model for introduction of gamification solution using AHP.

Gamification means the use of various elements of game design in nongame contexts including workplace collaboration, marketing, education, military, and medical services. Gamification is effective for both improving workplace productivity and motivating employees. However, introduction of gamification is not easy because the planning and implementation processes of gamification are very

RESOURCE: The Hidden Curriculum of the Medical Care for Elderly Patients in Medical Education: A Qualitative Study

In spite of more attention being given to geriatrics in medical curricula, few new physicians are seeking training in this field. So far there has been no exploration of factors in the hidden curriculum that could potentially influence the persisting lack of interest in this field of medicine. To study

RESOURCE: Investigating the use of quick response codes in the gross anatomy laboratory.

The use of quick response QR codes within undergraduate university courses is on the rise, yet literature concerning their use in medical education is scant. This study examined student perceptions on the usefulness of QR codes as learning aids in a medical gross anatomy course, statistically analyzed whether this learning

REPORT: Physician Leadership Forum – Continuing Medical Education as a Strategic Resource

With input from AHA members, the Physician Leadership Forum examined the value of CME to hospitals as a strategic resource for physician-hospital alignment. “Continuing Medical Education as a Strategic Resource” provides an assessment of the value of CME, recommends ways to improve value, and identifies case examples of hospitals that

RESOURCE: What Do Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Look Like?

PLC (Professional Learning Community) is a group of educators, stakeholders, community members and administrators who come together to analyze and improve their practices. Usually, such groups meet regularly over a period of time and discuss various things of common interest. Professional Learning Communities can be at the school, district and national

ABSTRACT: Building an open academic environment – a new approach to empowering students in their learning of anatomy through ‘Shadow Modules’.

Teaching and learning in anatomy is undertaken by a variety of methodologies, yet all of these pedagogies benefit from students discussing and reflecting upon their learning activities. An approach of particular potency is peer-mediated learning, through either peer-teaching or collaborative peer-learning. Collaborative, peer-mediated, learning activities help promote deep learning approaches

ABSTRACT: Key characteristics of successful quality improvement curricula in physician education: a realist review — Jones et al. — BMJ Quality and Safety

Purpose Quality improvement (QI) is a common competency that must be taught in all physician training programmes, yet, there is no clear best approach to teach this content in clinical settings. We conducted a realist systematic review of the existing literature in QI curricula within the clinical setting, highlighting examples

Physician Leadership Forum – Continuing Medical Education as a Strategic Resource

With input from AHA members, the Physician Leadership Forum examined the value of CME to hospitals as a strategic resource for physician-hospital alignment. “Continuing Medical Education as a Strategic Resource” provides an assessment of the value of CME, recommends ways to improve value, and identifies case examples of hospitals that