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ABSTRACT: Do Patients “Like” Good Care? Measuring Hospital Quality via Facebook

Abstract With the growth of Facebook, public health researchers are exploring the platform’s uses in health care. However, little research has examined the relationship between Facebook and traditional hospital quality measures. The authors conducted an exploratory quantitative analysis of hospitals’ Facebook pages to assess whether Facebook “Likes” were associated with hospital

ABSTRACT: Use of Social Media by Spanish Hospitals: Perceptions, Difficulties, and Success Factors. [Telemed J E Health. 2013] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract Abstract This exploratory study has two aims: (1) to find out if and how social media (SM) applications are used by hospitals in Spain and (2) to assess hospital managers' perception of these applications in terms of their evaluation of them, reasons for use, success factors, and difficulties encountered during

MANUSCRIPT: Fostering and Evaluating Reflective Capacity in Medical Education: Developing the REFLECT Rubric for Assessing Reflective Writing

Purpose Reflective writing (RW) curriculum initiatives to promote reflective capacity are proliferating within medical education. The authors developed a new evaluative tool that can be effectively applied to assess students’ reflective levels and assist with the process of providing individualized written feedback to guide reflective capacity promotion. rubric to assess reflective writing.pdf

RESOURCE: Informatics Professor: Implementing the Learning Healthcare System Can Be Facilitated Using the Principles of Evidence-Based Medicine

The enthusiasm for big data and for the use of analytics and business intelligence with that data is reaching a fevered pitch. I share that enthusiasm, but also know from both my clinical and my informatics experience that knowledge will not emanate just by turning on the data spigot from

MANUSCRIPT: Enabling Problem Based Learning through Web 2.0 Technologies: PBL 2.0

ABSTRACT Advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), particularly the so-called Web 2.0, are affecting all aspects of our life: How we communicate, how we shop, how we socialise, how we learn. Facilitating learning through the use of ICT, also known as eLearning, is a vital part of modern educational systems. Established pedagogical strategies,

ABSTRACT: The application of wiki technology in medical education, Medical Teacher, Informa Healthcare

Background, aims and methods: Recent years have seen the introduction of web-based technologies such as the ‘wiki’, which is a webpage whose content can be edited in real time using a web browser. This article reviews the current state of knowledge about the use of wikis in education, and considers

MANUSCRIPT: Creativity, Self-Directed Learning and the Architecture of Technology Rich Environments

So, how do institutions and designers develop environments that support self-directed learning? A majority of current research focuses on internal characteristics of self-directed learners. Yet gradually, we are  beginning to understand that external factors have an impact as well. Guglielmino (1977) noted that certain learning contexts are more effective at promoting self-directed learning. Learning environments that use technology in meaningful ways may

MANUSCRIPT: Use of SMART Learning Objectives to Introduce Continuing Professional Development Into the Pharmacy Curriculum

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a 2-year continuing professional development (CPD) training program improved first-year (P1) and second-year (P2) pharmacy students' ability to write SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timed) learning objectives. DESIGN: First-year students completed live or online CPD training, including creating portfolios and writing SMART objectives prior to their summer introductory

ABSTRACT: Impact of online education on intern behaviour around joint commission national patient safety goals: a randomised trial — Shaw et al. 21 (10): 819 — BMJ Quality and Safety

Abstract Purpose To compare the effectiveness of two types of online learning methodologies for improving the patient-safety behaviours mandated in the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG). Methods This randomised controlled trial was conducted in 2010 at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) in Boston USA. Incoming interns