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Category : Medical Education

MANUSCRIPT: Using email reminders to engage physicians in an Internet-based CME intervention

Abstract Background: Engaging practicing physicians in educational strategies that reinforce guideline adoption and improve the quality of healthcare may be difficult. Push technologies such as email offer new opportunities to engage physicians in online educational reinforcing strategies. The objectives are to investigate 1) the effectiveness of email announcements in engaging recruited community-based primary care

MANUSCRIPT: Characteristics That Predict Physician Participation in a Web- Based CME Activity: The MI-Plus Study

Abstract Introduction—Physician use of the Internet for practice improvement has increased dramatically over the last decade, but research shows that many physicians choose not to participate. The current study investigated the association of specific physician characteristics with enrollment rates and intensity of participation in a specific Internet-delivered educational intervention to improve care to post–myocardial infarction

MANUSCRIPT: Selecting educational interventions for knowledge translation

Key points • The effectiveness of large-group sessions in continuing medical education can be enhanced by using rigorous needs assessments and increasing interactivity and engagement in the learning process. • Other interventions that show promise include small-group learning, communities of practice and distance-based education. • Self-directed learning may be enhanced by the addition of portfolio-based learning and self-assessment exercises.

MANUSCRIPT: Knowledge transfer for the management of dementia: a cluster-randomised trial of blended learning in general practice

Abstract Background: The implementation of new medical knowledge into general practice is a complex process. Blended learning may offer an effective and efficient educational intervention to reduce the knowledge-to-practice gap. The aim of this study was to compare knowledge acquisition about dementia management between a blended learning approach using online modules in addition to

MANUSCRIPT: Internet-based medical education: a realist review of what works, for whom and in what circumstances

Abstract Background: Educational courses for doctors and medical students are increasingly offered via the Internet. Despite much research, course developers remain unsure about what (if anything) to offer online and how. Prospective learners lack evidence-based guidance on how to choose between the options on offer. We aimed to produce theory driven criteria to guide

MANUSCRIPT: A comparative evaluation of the effect of internet-based CME delivery format on satisfaction, knowledge and confidence

Abstract Background: Internet-based instruction in continuing medical education (CME) has been associated with favorable outcomes. However, more direct comparative studies of different Internet-based interventions, instructional methods, presentation formats, and approaches to implementation are needed. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative evaluation of two Internet-based CME delivery formats and the effect

MANUSCRIPT: General practitioners and online continuing medical education – which factors influence its use?

Abstract Introduction: Although several online continuing medical education (CME) offers exist, the utilization of these by physicians is still low. In this study, we aimed to investigate the attitude towards and use of the Internet and online CME in German general practitioners (GPs) and to identify potential starting points to increase the use of online

MANUSCRIPT: Using the Internet to Promote Health Behavior Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Theoretical Basis, Use of Behavior Change Techniques, and Mode of Delivery on Efficacy

Abstract Background The Internet is increasingly used as a medium for the delivery of interventions designed to promote health behavior change. However, reviews of these interventions to date have not systematically identified intervention characteristics and linked these to effectiveness. Objectives The present review sought to capitalize on recently published coding frames for assessing use

MANUSCRIPT: Computer-assisted resilience training to prepare healthcare workers for pandemic influenza: a randomized trial of the optimal dose of training

Abstract Background: Working in a hospital during an extraordinary infectious disease outbreak can cause significant stress and contribute to healthcare workers choosing to reduce patient contact. Psychological training of healthcare workers prior to an influenza pandemic may reduce stress-related absenteeism, however, established training methods that change behavior and attitudes are too resource-intensive for widespread

MANUSCRIPT: How do we to improve medical education website design

Abstract Background: The Internet provides a means of disseminating medical education curricula, allowing institutions to share educational resources. Much of what is published online is poorly planned, does not meet learners' needs, or is out of date.