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Category : Manuscript

MANUSCRIPT: Effectiveness of Continuing Medical Education (2007 AHRQ Report)

Results: Of the 68,000 citations identified by literature searching, 136 articles and 9 systematic reviews ultimately met our eligibility criteria. The overall quality of the literature was low and consequently firm conclusions were not possible. Despite this, the literature overall supported the concept that CME was effective, at least to some degree, in

MANUSCRIPT: Putting the Public into Public Health Information Dissemination: Social Media and Health-related Web Pages

ABSTRACT Public health information dissemination represents an interesting combination of broadcasting, sharing, and retrieving relevant health information. Social media-based public health information dissemination offers some particularly interesting characteristics, as individual users or members of the public actually carry out the actions that constitute the dissemination. These actions also may inherently provide

Manuscript: Identifying primary and recurrent cancers using a SAS-based natural language processing algorithm

Abstract Objective Significant limitations exist in the timely and complete identification of primary and recurrent cancers for clinical and epidemiologic research. A SAS-based coding, extraction, and nomenclature tool (SCENT) was developed to address this problem. Materials and methods SCENT employs hierarchical classification rules to identify and extract information from electronic pathology reports. Reports are

MANUSCRIPT: Evidence-based medicine at the intersection of research interests between academic health sciences librarians and medical educators: a review of the literature

Objectives: In 2008, the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries established an Education Research Task Force (ERTF) to plan research addressing research priorities outlined in key Association of American Medical Colleges reports. ERTF members conducted a literature review to describe the state of collaborative research at the intersection of medical education

MANUSCRIPT: Ten Commandments for Effective Clinical Decision Support: Making the Practice of Evidence-based Medicine a Reality

A b s t r a c t While evidence-based medicine has increasingly broad-based support in health care, it remains difficult to get physicians to actually practice it. Across most domains in medicine, practice has lagged behind knowledge by at least several years. The authors believe that the key tools for closing

MANUSCRIPT: The GuideLine Implementability Appraisal (GLIA): development of an instrument to identify obstacles to guideline implementation

Background: Clinical practice guidelines are not uniformly successful in influencing clinicians' behaviour toward best practices. Implementability refers to a set of characteristics that predict ease of (and obstacles to) guideline implementation. Our objective is to develop and validate a tool for appraisal of implementability of clinical guidelines.

MANUSCRIPT: Why Don’t Physicians Follow Clinical Practice Guidelines? A Framework for Improvement

Context Despite wide promulgation, clinical practice guidelines have had limited effect on changing physician behavior. Little is known about the process and factors involved in changing physician practices in response to guidelines. Objective To review barriers to physician adherence to clinical practice guidelines.

MANUSCRIPT: Enhancing the Use of Clinical Guidelines: A Social Norms Perspective

This article reviews the history of guideline development and use, assesses the current state of implementation, identifies obstacles to adoption, and suggests strategies to overcome these obstacles. The major finding is that the current approach to development, dissemination, and encouraged use of guidelines is inconsistent with knowledge of psychology. The major recommendations are that the approach to translation

MANUSCRIPT: Patient safety and quality improvement education: a cross-sectional study of medical students’ preferences and attitudes

A greater proportion of students reported previous exposure to patient safety than to quality improvement topics (79% vs. 47%). More than 80% of students thought patient safety was of the same or greater importance than basic science or clinical skills whereas quality improvement was rated as the same or more important by about