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Category : Learning Models & Theory

RESOURCE: 5 Tips for Online Student Time Management

Ever consider how asynchronous online students manage their time? Ever receive emails about the online workload? The following 5 tips might help online students adjust to your online learning environment and prevent burn out. Planning an online course takes a great deal of work up front. You have to create an

MANUSCRIPT: Physicians perceptions of an educational support system integrated into an electronic health record.

The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions by physicians of an educational system integrated into an electronic health record (EHR). Traditional approaches to continuous medical education (CME) have not shown improvement in patient health care outcomes. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) has implemented a system that

ABSTRACT: Medical education in an electronic health record-mediated world.

This paper reflects on the extent to which we are preparing learners for practice in an electronic health record (EHR)-mediated world. We are currently training the last generation to remember a world without the Internet and the first who will practice in a largely EHR-mediated practice environment. We undertook a

ABSTRACT: Open-book tests: search behaviour, time used and test scores

BACKGROUND: Because of the increasing medical knowledge and the focus of medical education on acquiring competencies, the use of open-book tests seems inevitable. Dealing with a large body of information, indicating which kind of information is needed to solve a problem, and finding and understanding that knowledge at the right moment

MANUSCRIPT: Education and training of pain medicine specialists in the United States.

Many pain patients present with a complex set of symptoms and comorbidities that defy the acumen of any one specific medical specialty; thus the knowledge and skills of the pain physician must, out of necessity cross specialty borders. The competency that comes from mastering essential skills is accomplished during the

MANUSCRIPT: An exploratory study into the effect of time-restricted internet access on face-validity, construct validity and reliability of postgraduate knowledge progress testing.

BACKGROUND: Yearly formative knowledge testing (also known as progress testing) was shown to have a limited construct-validity and reliability in postgraduate medical education. One way to improve construct-validity and reliability is to improve the authenticity of a test. As easily accessible internet has become inseparably linked to daily clinical practice, we

ABSTRACT: Building learning communities: evolution of the colleges at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Learning communities, which are an emerging trend in medical education, create a foundation for professional and academic development through the establishment of longitudinal relationships between students and faculty. In this article, the authors describe the robust learning community system at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, which encompasses wellness, career planning,

ABSTRACT: Reframing clinical workplace learning using the theory of distributed cognition

In medicine, knowledge is embodied and socially, temporally, spatially, and culturally distributed between actors and their environment. In addition, clinicians increasingly are using technology in their daily work to gain and share knowledge. Despite these characteristics, surprisingly few studies have incorporated the theory of distributed cognition (DCog), which emphasizes how

ABSTRACT: Considering the clinical context of medical education.

The article by Chen and colleagues in this issue suggests that the context in which clinical medical education is executed matters, especially if we intend to meet the projected future physician workforce needs in the United States. Placing learners in the highest-performing medical settings seems intuitive, but this can be

ABSTRACT: The role of ePortfolios in supporting continuing professional development in practice

ePortfolios, based on models of reflective practice, are viewed as important tools in facilitating and supporting lifelong learning across the medical education continuum. MAINPORT, the ePortfolio designed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, supports the continuing professional development CPD and lifelong learning of specialist physicians practicing