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Category : Learning Models & Theory

ABSTRACT: Improving Learning Efficiency of Factual Knowledge in Medical Education

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this review is to synthesize recent literature relating to factual knowledge acquisition and retention and to explore its applications to medical education. RESULTS: Distributing, or spacing, practice is superior to massed practice (i.e. cramming). Testing, compared to re-study, produces better learning and knowledge retention, especially if tested as retrieval

ABSTRACT: Evaluation of use of e-Learning in undergraduate radiology education: a review.

PURPOSE: The aim of this review is to investigate the evaluative outcomes present in the literature according to Kirkpatrick's learning model and to examine the nature and characteristics of the e-Learning interventions in radiology education at undergraduate level. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Eric) are searched for publications related to

ABSTRACT: Impact of a Performance Improvement CME activity on the care and treatment of patients with psoriasis

BACKGROUND: The Performance Improvement (PI) CME format improves physician performance in other specialties but data are lacking in dermatology. OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess the impact of a PI CME activity on physician practice patterns for patients with psoriasis, which was developed, implemented, and evaluated by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), in

MANUSCRIPT: Audio podcasts in practical courses in biochemistry – cost-efficient e-learning in a well-proven format from radio broadcasting.

INTRODUCTION: Audio podcasts are an e-learning format that may help to motivate students to deal with the contents of medical education more intensely. We adopted a well-proven format from radio broadcasting, the radio documentary, to direct the listeners' attention to information about practical courses in biochemistry over a period of 20

ABSTRACT: The long-term impact of a performance improvement continuing medical education intervention on osteoporosis screening

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study is to determine whether a performance improvement continuing medical education (PI CME) initiative that utilizes quality improvement (QI) principles is effective in producing sustainable change in practice to improve the screening of patients at risk for osteoporosis. METHODOLOGY: A health care center participated in a PI CME

ABSTRACT: What do primary care practitioners want to know? A content analysis of questions asked at the point of care

INTRODUCTION: Assessing physician needs to develop continuing medical education (CME) activities is an integral part of CME curriculum development. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the feasibility of identifying areas of perceived greatest needs for continuing medical education (CME) by using questions collected electronically at the point of

ABSTRACT: udiovisual preconditioning enhances the efficacy of an anatomical dissection course: A randomised study

The benefits of incorporating audiovisual materials into learning are well recognised. The outcome of integrating such a modality in to anatomical education has not been reported previously. The aim of this randomised study was to determine whether audiovisual preconditioning is a useful adjunct to learning at an upper limb dissection

MANUSCRIPT: Teaching differential diagnosis in primary care using an inverted classroom approach: student satisfaction and gain in skills and knowledge.

BACKGROUND: Differential diagnosis is a crucial skill for primary care physicians. General practice plays an increasing important role in undergraduate medical education. Via general practice, students may be presented with an overview of the whole spectrum of differential diagnosis in regard to common symptoms encountered in primary care. This project evaluated

ABSTRACT: Changing physician behavior: what works?

Objectives There are various interventions for guideline implementation in clinical practice, but the effects of these interventions are generally unclear. We conducted a systematic review to identify effective methods of implementing clinical research findings and clinical guidelines to change physician practice patterns, in surgical and general practice. Study Design Systematic

ABSTRACT: Prior Podcast Experience Moderates Improvement in Electroencephalography Evaluation After Educational Podcast Module

BACKGROUND: There is continued interest in using technology to enhance medical education and the variables that may affect its success. METHODS: Anesthesiology residents and fourth-year medical students participated in an electroencephalography (EEG) educational video podcast module. A 25-item evaluation tool was administered before any EEG education was provided (baseline), and the podcast was