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Category : Informatics & Analysis

MANUSCRIPT: Study Measures Benefits of a ‘Flipped’ Pharmacy Course

A study comparing traditional and “flipped” versions of a pharmacy-school course at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that students much preferred the flipped course and got better grades on the final examination. The flipped course replaced in-class lectures with videos that the students watched before they

“How Great is The Impact of ArcheMedX-Powered Education?”

Answer: ArcheMedX-powered education has consistently and repeatedly allowed our Educational Partners (AcademicCME, Elsevier, ACEhp and others) to achieve the learning outcomes that they planned to achieve – and, in the process, they are learning far more about their content and learners. Level 1 = Participation: ArcheMedX-powered education and the Learning Actions Model

ABSTRACT: A global model for effective use and evaluation of e-learning in health

Healthcare systems worldwide face a wide range of challenges, including demographic change, rising drug and medical technology costs, and persistent and widening health inequalities both within and between countries. Simultaneously, issues such as professional silos, static medical curricula, and perceptions of "information overload" have made it difficult for medical training

ABSTRACT: A novel approach to needs assessment in curriculum development: Going beyond consensus methods

Background: Needs assessment should be the starting point for curriculum development. In medical education, expert opinion and consensus methods are commonly employed. Aim: This paper showcases a more practice-grounded needs assessment approach. Methods: A mixed-methods approach, incorporating a national survey, practice audit, and expert consensus, was developed and piloted in

ABSTRACT: Developing an electronic teaching and training portfolio

Technological advances, in particular the rise of the internet, have led to dramatic changes in medical education. The recent global financial crisis and issues with medical staffing have meant that training programs and universities are increasingly exploring electronic means to provide efficient and cost effective education techniques. In this article,

MANUSCRIPT: eLearning among Canadian anesthesia residents: a survey of podcast use and content needs

BACKGROUND: Podcasts are increasingly being used in medical education. In this study, we conducted a survey of Canadian anesthesia residents to better delineate the content needs, format preferences, and usage patterns among anesthesia residents. METHODS: 10/16 Canadian anesthesia program directors, representing 443/659 Canadian anesthesia residents, allowed their residents to be included in the

ABSTRACT: Augmented reality in medical education?

Learning in the medical domain is to a large extent workplace learning and involves mastery of complex skills that require performance up to professional standards in the work environment. Since training in this real-life context is not always possible for reasons of safety, costs, or didactics, alternative ways are needed

MANUSCRIPT: An electronic portfolio for quantitative assessment of surgical skills in undergraduate medical education

BACKGROUND: We evaluated a newly designed electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) that provided quantitative evaluation of surgical skills. Medical students at the University of Seville used the e-Portfolio on a voluntary basis for evaluation of their performance in undergraduate surgical subjects. METHODS: Our new web-based e-Portfolio was designed to evaluate surgical practical knowledge and skills

A new age approach to an age old problem: using simulation to teach geriatric medicine to medical students

BACKGROUND: simulation-based teaching is increasingly used in medical education, but no studies have evaluated its impact on learning in geriatric medicine. We developed and delivered a simulation teaching session on delirium, falls, elder abuse and breaking bad news. Simulation mannequins, professional role-players and simulated clinical documentation were all incorporated into scenarios.