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Category : Education Technology

MANUSCRIPT: Mobile Phone Use in Psychiatry Residents in the United States: Multisite Cross-Sectional Survey Study

Background: Mobile technology ownership in the general US population and medical professionals is increasing, leading to increased use in clinical settings. However, data on use of mobile technology by psychiatry residents remain unclear. Objective: In this study, our aim was to provide data on how psychiatric residents use mobile phones in

ABSTRACT: Implementing economic evaluation in simulation-based medical education: challenges and opportunities.

CONTEXT: Simulation-based medical education (SBME) is now ubiquitous at all levels of medical training. Given the substantial resources needed for SBME, economic evaluation of simulation-based programmes or curricula is required to demonstrate whether improvement in trainee performance (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and health outcomes justifies the cost of investment. Current literature

ABSTRACT: Simulation-based education to ensure provider competency within the healthcare system.

The acquisition and maintenance of individual competency is a critical component of effective emergency care systems. This article summarizes consensus working group deliberations and recommendations focusing on the topic: "Simulation-based education to ensure provider competency within the healthcare system." The authors presented this work for discussion and feedback at the

ABSTRACT: Before your very eyes: the value and limitations of eye tracking in medical education

ONTEXT: Medicine is a highly visual discipline. Physicians from many specialties constantly use visual information in diagnosis and treatment. However, they are often unable to explain how they use this information. Consequently, it is unclear how to train medical students in this visual processing. Eye tracking is a research technique that

MANUSCRIPT: Leveraging Social Media to Promote Evidence-Based Continuing Medical Education

IMPORTANCE: New dissemination methods are needed to engage physicians in evidence-based continuing medical education (CME). OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of social media in engaging physicians in non-industry-sponsored CME. DESIGN: We tested the effect of different media platforms (e-mail, Facebook, paid Facebook and Twitter), CME topics, and different "hooks" (e.g., Q&A, clinical pearl and best

ABSTRACT: A proficiency-based virtual reality endoscopy curriculum improves performance on the fundamentals of endoscopic surgery examination

INTRODUCTION: The fundamentals of endoscopic surgery (FES) examination is a national test of knowledge and skill in flexible gastrointestinal endoscopy. The skill portion of the examination involves five tasks that assesses the following skills: scope navigation, loop reduction, mucosal inspection, retroflexion, and targeting. This project aimed to assess the efficacy of

ABSTRACT: ECHO Pain Curriculum: Balancing Mandated Continuing Education With the Needs of Rural Health Care Practitioners

Chronic pain is a common problem in the United States. Health care professions training at the undergraduate and graduate levels in managing chronic pain is insufficient. The Chronic Pain and Headache Management TeleECHO Clinic (ECHO Pain) is a telehealth approach at Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), which supports

ABSTRACT: Impact of a Social Media Group Page on Undergraduate Medical Physiology Learning

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of associating classroom learning of medical physiology with a Facebook group page in an all-women medical college of a conservative small city in Pakistan. STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative interpretivist study using semi-structured interviews. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Women Medical College Abbottabad, Pakistan, from March to December 2014. METHODOLOGY: Aclosed Facebook study group

ABSTRACT: Retention of Vaginal Breech Delivery Skills Taught in Simulation

OBJECTIVE:The optimal frequency of conducting simulation training for high-acuity, low-frequency events in obstetrics and gynaecology residency programs is unknown. This study evaluated retention over time of vaginal breech delivery skills taught in simulation, by comparing junior and senior residents. In addition, the residents' subjective comfort level to perform this skill

ABSTRACT: The impact of a web-based educational program on the recognition and management of deteriorating patients

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based educational program to enhance enrolled nurses' knowledge and skills in the recognition and management of deteriorating patients. BACKGROUND: Ward nurses of different skill levels play a pivotal role in detecting and responding to deteriorating patients. A skill-mix of registered nurses, enrolled nurses, licensed