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Category : Abstract

ABSTRACT: Educating the patient for health care communication in the age of the world wide web: a qualitative study

PURPOSE: Communication skills teaching in medical education has yet to acknowledge the impact of the Internet on physician-patient communication. The authors present a conceptual model showing the variables influencing how and to what extent physicians and patients discuss Internet-sourced health information as part of the consultation with the purpose of educating

ABSTRACT: Doctor coach: a deliberate practice approach to teaching and learning clinical skills.

PROBLEM: The rapidly evolving medical education landscape requires restructuring the approach to teaching and learning across the continuum of medical education. The deliberate practice strategies used to coach learners in disciplines beyond medicine can also be used to train medical learners. However, these deliberate practice strategies are not explicitly taught in

ABSTRACT: Using patients’ experiences in e-learning design

BACKGROUND: Design of the undergraduate and postgraduate medical curriculum is traditionally the task of medical professionals and educationalists, with regulating bodies approving curriculum content. Although this should ensure a thorough approach to a medical model of the curriculum, it may overlook the importance of the patient's perspective in medical education. The

ABSTRACT: Simulation training results in improved knowledge about intubation policies and procedures.

SESSION TITLE: Critical Care Posters IISESSION TYPE: Poster PresentationsPRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM - 02:15 PMPURPOSE: Simulation in medical education enables learners to practice necessary skills in an environment that allows for errors and professional growth without risking patients' safety. The purpose of this study was to

ABSTRACT: Eight critical factors in creating and implementing a successful simulation program

BACKGROUND: Recognizing the need to minimize human error and adverse events, clinicians, researchers, administrators, and educators have strived to enhance clinicians' knowledge, skills, and attitudes through training. Given the risks inherent in learning new skills or advancing underdeveloped skills on actual patients, simulation-based training (SBT) has become an invaluable tool across

ABSTRACT: Effectiveness of student tutors in problem-based learning of undergraduate medical education

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching and learning method designed to develop clinical reasoning skills. Tutor performance in PBL affects both the process and outcome of student learning. In this study, we investigated the factors that influence the evaluation by undergraduate students on the performance of tutors in medical education.

ABSTRACT: Impact of Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education on Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Control

INTRODUCTION: The Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control (COSEHC) implemented a study to assess benefits of a performance improvement continuing medical education (PI CME) activity focused on cardiometabolic risk factor management in primary care patients. METHODS: Using the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) model as the foundation, this PI CME activity aimed at improving practice gaps by

ABSTRACT: Patient outcomes in simulation-based medical education: a systematic review

OBJECTIVES: Evaluating the patient impact of health professions education is a societal priority with many challenges. Researchers would benefit from a summary of topics studied and potential methodological problems. We sought to summarize key information on patient outcomes identified in a comprehensive systematic review of simulation-based instruction. DATA SOURCES: Systematic search of MEDLINE,

ABSTRACT: A critical review of simulation-based mastery learning with translational outcomes

OBJECTIVES:This article has two objectives. Firstly, we critically review simulation-based mastery learning SBML research in medical education, evaluate its implementation and immediate results, and document measured downstream translational outcomes in terms of improved patient care practices, better patient outcomes and collateral effects. Secondly, we briefly address implementation science and its

ABSTRACT: Simulation techniques in the anatomy curriculum: review of literature

Modern medical education faces a problem of combining the latest technology, procedures and information with classic teaching methods. Simulation is a technique, which replaces or amplifies doctor-patient experiences in controlled conditions and therefore evokes or replicates substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive manner. The basic course