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Category : Abstract

ABSTRACT: Introducing technology into medical education: two pilot studies.

OBJECTIVES: Educators are integrating new technology into medical curriculum. The impact of newer technology on educational outcomes remains unclear. We aimed to determine if two pilot interventions, (1) introducing iPads into problem-based learning (PBL) sessions and (2) online tutoring would improve the educational experience of our learners. METHODS: We voluntarily assigned 26 second-year

ABSTRACT: Quality improvement skills for pediatric residents: from lecture to implementation and sustainability

Quality improvement (QI) skills are relevant to efforts to improve the health care system. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) program requirements call for resident participation in local and institutional QI efforts, and the move to outcomes-based accreditation is resulting in greater focus on the resulting learning and

ABSTRACT: Surgical journal club as a community of practice: a case study.

BACKGROUND: Journal club has become a signature pedagogy in postgraduate medical education. In this article, social learning theory, through the lens of "communities of practice" (CoP), is applied to elucidate the process of learning in journal club. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study is a case study of a surgical journal club. Video recordings

ABSTRACT: The effects of test-enhanced learning on long-term retention in AAN annual meeting courses

OBJECTIVE: We measured the long-term retention of knowledge gained through selected American Academy of Neurology annual meeting courses and compared the effects of repeated quizzing (known as test-enhanced learning) and repeated studying on that retention. METHODS: Participants were recruited from 4 annual meeting courses. All participants took a pretest. This randomized, controlled trial

ABSTRACT: The effect of physician continuing medical education on patient-reported outcomes for identifying and optimally managing obstructive sleep apnea.

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of continuing medical education (CME) activities on patient reported outcomes with regard to (1) screening for excessive sleepiness (ES) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and (2) appropriate referral and treatment. METHODS: A total of 725 patients were recruited from 75 providers who either participated or did not

ABSTRACT: The effect of using an audience response system on learning, motivation and information retention in the orthodontic teaching of undergraduate dental students: a cross-over trial.

OBJECTIVE: New methods of teaching and learning are constantly being sought in the adult learning environment. Audience Response Systems (ARS) have been used in many different learning environments, especially in the field of medical education. The objective of this investigation was to ascertain the effect of ARS use in undergraduate teaching

ABSTRACT: Impact of medical education program on COPD patients: a cohort prospective study

BACKGROUND: The main objective of this study was to assess the effects of intensive medical education courses on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)-related rehospitalizations and emergency department visits and the secondary aim was to monitor quality of life. METHODS: This cohort prospective study included 76 group D COPD patients (pts.). Patients from the

ABSTRACT: Social media for lifelong learning

Learning is ongoing, and can be considered a social activity. In this paper we aim to provide a review of the use of social media for lifelong learning. We start by defining lifelong learning, drawing upon principles of continuous professional development and adult learning theory. We searched Embase and MEDLINE

ABSTRACT: Social media, medicine and the modern journal club

Medical media is changing along with the rest of the media landscape. One of the more interesting ways that medical media is evolving is the increased role of social media in medical media's creation, curation and distribution. Twitter, a microblogging site, has become a central hub for finding, vetting, and

ABSTRACT: Globalization of Continuing Professional Development by Journal Clubs via Microblogging: A Systematic Review. – PubMed – NCBI

BACKGROUND: Journal clubs are an essential tool in promoting clinical evidence-based medical education to all medical and allied health professionals. Twitter represents a public, microblogging forum that can facilitate traditional journal club requirements, while also reaching a global audience, and participation for discussion with study authors and colleagues. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the