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Author: Brian S McGowan, PhD

ABSTRACT: Oncology training programs: are we doing comparative effectiveness research justice?

Comparative effectiveness research (CER) is defined as an assessment of all available options for a specific medical condition, with intent to estimate effectiveness in specific subpopulations. Medical professionals must receive training in CER, including its general goals, the ‘toolbox’ necessary to perform CER and its design. Oncologic training programs are currently not doing justice to CER: a rationale for conducting CER has been proposed, funding from the US government is available, but encouragement from oncologic residencies and fellowships is minimal. Encouragement to train oncologic physicians in CER is limited by a few factors, including inadequate emphasis on evidence weighing, and no explicit mention of factors key to CER in the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education guidelines. As residency program requirements transition to milestone-based curricula and evaluations, explicit recommendations regarding CER and patient-centered outcomes research should be implemented for all programs. Upper level trainees who have reached milestones related to CER will be competitive applicants for research funding.

via Oncology training programs: are we doing comp… [J Comp Eff Res. 2013] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Adaptive and perceptual learning technologies in medical education and training

Recent advances in the learning sciences offer remarkable potential to improve medical education and maximize the benefits of emerging medical technologies. This article describes 2 major innovation areas in the learning sciences that apply to simulation and other aspects of medical learning: Perceptual learning (PL) and adaptive learning technologies. PL technology offers, for the first time, systematic, computer-based methods for teaching pattern recognition, structural intuition, transfer, and fluency. Synergistic with PL are new adaptive learning technologies that optimize learning for each individual, embed objective assessment, and implement mastery criteria. The author describes the Adaptive Response-Time-based Sequencing (ARTS) system, which uses each learner’s accuracy and speed in interactive learning to guide spacing, sequencing, and mastery. In recent efforts, these new technologies have been applied in medical learning contexts, including adaptive learning modules for initial medical diagnosis and perceptual/adaptive learning modules (PALMs) in dermatology, histology, and radiology. Results of all these efforts indicate the remarkable potential of perceptual and adaptive learning technologies, individually and in combination, to improve learning in a variety of medical domains.

via Adaptive and perceptual learning technologies in med… [Mil Med. 2013] – PubMed – NCBI.

MANUSCRIPT: Effect of a web-based curriculum on primary care practice: basic skin cancer triage trial.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Primary care physicians PCPs are uniquely positioned to detect melanoma. Effective educational interventions targeted at PCPs may improve early melanoma detection. A previous in-person Basic Skin Cancer Triage BSCT 2-hour course demonstrated significant short-term improvement in provider practices, attitudes, ability, confidence, and knowledge. We conducted a randomized trial to test the efficacy of the BSCT course implemented as a web-based learning program, compared to a similar control web-based course on weight assessment.METHODS:We recruited a sample of 57 PCPs and 3,341 of their patients from four geographically diverse centers. Skin cancer control activities by PCPs were assessed by physician survey and by chart review and patient telephone interview about their recent visit to their PCP at baseline and at 1–2 months and 12 months after course completion.RESULTS:Some effect of intervention on skin cancer parameters was self-reported by physicians; this was not confirmed by patient survey or chart-extracted data. Rates of skin cancer control practices by PCPs were low across both groups before and after intervention. The positive changes in physician-reported behaviors total body skin examination [TBSE], intentions discuss skin cancer detection, confidence performing TBSE, office practices, and knowledge 58% skin versus 49% control were neither matched by differences in practice reported by their patients, nor persisted in a longer term follow-up, hence may be attributable to physician recall bias due to the experience of the course or desire to please study investigators and were less dramatic as compared to our previously reported in-person BSCT intervention. Thus this approach by itself appears unlikely to result in improved PCP handling of skin cancer issues.CONCLUSIONS:Given previous success with our in-person course, the features required to make WBL a more effective tool for medical education must be further explored.

via Effect of a web-based curriculum on primary care pra… [Fam Med. 2013] – PubMed – NCBI.

MANUSCRIPT: Improvement in generic problem-solving abilities of students by use of tutor-less problem-based learning in a large classroom setting.

Problem-based learning (PBL) was originally introduced in medical education programs as a form of small-group learning, but its use has now spread to large undergraduate classrooms in various other disciplines. Introduction of new teaching techniques, including PBL-based methods, needs to be justified by demonstrating the benefits of such techniques over classical teaching styles. Previously, we demonstrated that introduction of tutor-less PBL in a large third-year biochemistry undergraduate class increased student satisfaction and attendance. The current study assessed the generic problem-solving abilities of students from the same class at the beginning and end of the term, and compared student scores with similar data obtained in three classes not using PBL. Two generic problem-solving tests of equal difficulty were administered such that students took different tests at the beginning and the end of the term. Blinded marking showed a statistically significant 13% increase in the test scores of the biochemistry students exposed to PBL, while no trend toward significant change in scores was observed in any of the control groups not using PBL. Our study is among the first to demonstrate that use of tutor-less PBL in a large classroom leads to statistically significant improvement in generic problem-solving skills of students.

via Improvement in generic problem-solving abi… [CBE Life Sci Educ. 2013] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Educating the patient for health care communication in the age of the world wide web: a qualitative study

Communication skills teaching in medical education has yet to acknowledge the impact of the Internet on physician-patient communication. The authors present a conceptual model showing the variables influencing how and to what extent physicians and patients discuss Internet-sourced health information as part of the consultation with the purpose of educating the patient.
A study exploring the role physicians play in patient education mediated through health information available on the Internet provided the foundation for the conceptual model. Twenty-one physicians participated in semistructured interviews between 2011 and 2013. Participants were from Australia and Switzerland, whose citizens demonstrate different degrees of Internet usage and who differ culturally and ethnically. The authors analyzed the interviews thematically and iteratively. The themes as well as their interrelationships informed the components of the conceptual model.
The intrinsic elements of the conceptual model are the physician, the patient, and Internet based health information. The extrinsic variables of setting, time, and communication activities as well as the quality, availability, and usability of the Internet-based health information influenced the degree to which physicians engaged with, and were engaged by, their patients about Internet-based health information.
The empirically informed model provides a means of understanding the environment, enablers, and constraints of discussing Internet-based health information, as well as the benefits for patients’ understanding of their health. It also provides medical educators with a conceptual tool to engage and support physicians in their activities of communicating health information to patients

via Educating the patient for health care communication… [Acad Med. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Doctor coach: a deliberate practice approach to teaching and learning clinical skills.

The rapidly evolving medical education landscape requires restructuring the approach to teaching and learning across the continuum of medical education. The deliberate practice strategies used to coach learners in disciplines beyond medicine can also be used to train medical learners. However, these deliberate practice strategies are not explicitly taught in most medical schools or residencies.
The authors designed the Doctor Coach framework and competencies in 2007-2008 to serve as the foundation for new faculty development and resident-as-teacher programs. In addition to teaching deliberate practice strategies, the programs model a deliberate practice approach that promotes the continuous integration of newly developed coaching competencies by participants into their daily teaching practice.
Early evaluation demonstrated the feasibility and efficacy of implementing the Doctor Coach framework across the continuum of medical education. Additionally, the Doctor Coach framework has been disseminated through national workshops, which have resulted in additional institutions applying the framework and competencies to develop their own coaching programs.
Design of a multisource evaluation tool based on the coaching competencies will enable more rigorous study of the Doctor Coach framework and training programs and provide a richer feedback mechanism for participants. The framework will also facilitate the faculty development needed to implement the milestones and entrustable professional activities in medical education.

via Doctor coach: a deliberate practice approach to tea… [Acad Med. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Using patients’ experiences in e-learning design

Design of the undergraduate and postgraduate medical curriculum is traditionally the task of medical professionals and educationalists, with regulating bodies approving curriculum content. Although this should ensure a thorough approach to a medical model of the curriculum, it may overlook the importance of the patient’s perspective in medical education. The General Medical Council recently issued advice about patient and public involvement in all areas of medical education, including curricular design, but it is not immediately clear how this should be incorporated.
This article describes and analyses an innovative approach to curriculum design, in which patients’ experiences are placed at the centre of learning. Important themes identified from qualitative research with patients (and their carers) with autistic spectrum conditions were compared with a pre-established curriculum for an e-learning module by the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Significant divergence was identified between the doctor-designed curriculum and the themes identified through patients’ experiences. The divergence was analysed and patients’ experiences were used to expand the proposed course.
This research concerned e-learning about autistic spectrum conditions, but may have implications for other areas and modalities of medical education. Further research is needed to determine whether the inclusion in the curriculum of previously ignored themes, which are nevertheless important to patients, has an impact on the quality of the doctor-patient interaction and relationship.

via Using patients’ experiences in e-learning design. [Clin Teach. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Simulation training results in improved knowledge about intubation policies and procedures.

Critical Care Posters IISESSION TYPE: Poster PresentationsPRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM – 02:15 PMPURPOSE: Simulation in medical education enables learners to practice necessary skills in an environment that allows for errors and professional growth without risking patients’ safety. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a simulation based rapid sequence intubation curriculum for fellows in pulmonary and critical care training. The hypothesis was that knowledge, assessed by pre-post testing, would improve after simulation training.
We assembled a committee of staff intensivists and a representative from respiratory care. We conducted a literature search for guidelines and best practices in rapid sequence intubation. The Delphi technique was used for defining: recommended medications, protocol steps, decision making algorithm, pocket reference card, simulation scenarios, and pre/post test questions. We created a list of reference articles and a slide presentation for review by fellows before the pre-test. Five simulation scenarios were created for airway assessment based on LEMON (Lung 2011; 189:181-192) and MACOCHA (Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187(8):832-839) scoring systems. Seven scenarios were created for rapid sequence intubation emphasizing medications and expected difficulties. Training was conducted with Sim-Man 3G mannequins by one committee intensivist for about 6 trainees. Two additional committee members tracked activity sequencing and behind the scenes mannequin manipulations. Pre-testing (15 questions) was performed just prior to training. Post-testing (same questions) was performed immediately after training and debriefing. We also administered a short survey to assess student feedback. Median test scores were compared pre and post training using Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test (P<0.05 considered significant).
Testing data were collected for 39 fellows from 4 training dates. Median post-test scores improved by 32% (P < 0.001). The feedback survey indicated that 100% of responders judged their skills improved after training.
Results from this study indicate that simulation based training in airway management is effective and may translate into safer practices during intubation, appropriate use of medications; decrease the number of failed attempts. We are currently collecting patient data to test these assumptions.
We can utilize simulation based technology to teach necessary skills and test if the acquired knowledge translates into safer clinical practice.

via Simulation training results in improved knowledge abou… [Chest. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Eight critical factors in creating and implementing a successful simulation program

Recognizing the need to minimize human error and adverse events, clinicians, researchers, administrators, and educators have strived to enhance clinicians’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes through training. Given the risks inherent in learning new skills or advancing underdeveloped skills on actual patients, simulation-based training (SBT) has become an invaluable tool across the medical education spectrum. The large simulation, training, and learning literature was used to provide a synthesized yet innovative and “memorable” heuristic of the important facets of simulation program creation and implementation, as represented by eight critical “S” factors-science, staff, supplies, space, support, systems, success, and sustainability. These critical factors advance earlier work that primarily focused on the science of SBT success, to also include more practical, perhaps even seemingly obvious but significantly challenging components of SBT, such as resources, space, and supplies. SYSTEMS: One of the eight critical factors-systems-refers to the need to match fidelity requirements to training needs and ensure that technological infrastructure is in place. The type of learning objectives that the training is intended to address should determine these requirements. For example, some simulators emphasize physical fidelity to enable clinicians to practice technical and nontechnical skills in a safe environment that mirrors real-world conditions. Such simulators are most appropriate when trainees are learning how to use specific equipment or conduct specific procedures.
The eight factors-science, staff, supplies, space, support, systems, success, and sustainability-represent a synthesis of the most critical elements necessary for successful simulation programs. The order of the factors does not represent a deliberate prioritization or sequence, and the factors’ relative importance may change as the program evolves.

via Eight critical factors in creatin… [Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Effectiveness of student tutors in problem-based learning of undergraduate medical education

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching and learning method designed to develop clinical reasoning skills. Tutor performance in PBL affects both the process and outcome of student learning. In this study, we investigated the factors that influence the evaluation by undergraduate students on the performance of tutors in medical education. From April 2009 to February 2010, 49 PBL sessions were conducted for 191 3rd- and 4th-year medical students at Saga Medical School in Japan. Twenty-nine 6th-year students and 205 faculty members tutored these sessions. After each session, students evaluated their tutor by a Likert scale. This evaluation score was dichotomized and used as the dependent variable. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess the contribution of student’s gender and year level (3rd or 4th), the tutor’s gender and background, and the quality of the case scenario to evaluation ratings. A total of 4,469 responses were analyzed. Male student and tutor background were associated with excellent tutor evaluation. Concerning the tutor background, compared with basic scientists, the 6th-year students and content-expert clinicians were positively associated with excellent tutor evaluations (ORs of 1.77 [95% CI: 1.15-2.72] and 1.47 [95% CI: 1.11-1.97]), while non-content-expert clinicians received negative evaluations (OR of 0.72 [95% CI: 0.55-0.95]). The quality of the case scenario was also associated with excellent tutor evaluation (odds ratio [OR] of 12.43 [95% CI: 10.28-15.03]). In conclusion, excellence of case scenarios, 6th-year student tutors, and content-expert clinicians show positive impact on tutor evaluation in a PBL curriculum

via Effectiveness of student tutors in problem-… [Tohoku J Exp Med. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.