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Author: Brian S McGowan, PhD

ABSTRACT: Teaching and learning of medical biochemistry according to clinical realities: A case study

To foster medical students to become physicians who will be lifelong independent learners and critical thinkers with healthy skepticism and provide high-quality patient care guided by the best evidence, teaching of evidence-based medicine (EBM) has become an important component of medical education. Currently, the teaching and learning of biochemistry in medical schools incorporates its medical relevance and applications. However, to our knowledge there have been no reports on integrating EBM with teaching and learning medical biochemistry. Here, we present a case study to illustrate the significance of this approach. This case study was based on a biochemistry/nutrition question in a popular board review book about whether a homeless alcoholic man is at risk of developing a deficiency of vitamin E. The possible answers and explanation provided in the book raised a question about the correct answer, which provided us with an opportunity to adapt the philosophy and certain basic EBM principles to find evidence for the clinical applicability of a commonly taught biochemistry topic. The outcome of this case study not only taught us how to conduct an EBM exercise to answer a specific patient question, but also provided us with an opportunity for in-depth teaching and learning of the medical relevance of a specific biochemistry topic based on the best clinical evidence obtained from a systematic research of medical literature.

via Teaching and learning of medical biochemistry according to clinical realities: A case study. – PubMed – NCBI.

MANUSCRIPT: Morbidity and Mortality Conference in Emergency Medicine Residencies and the Culture of Safety

Morbidity and mortality conferences (M+M) are a traditional part of residency training and mandated by the Accreditation Counsel of Graduate Medical Education. This study’s objective was to determine the goals, structure, and the prevalence of practices that foster strong safety cultures in the M+Ms of U.S. emergency medicine (EM) residency programs.
The authors conducted a national survey of U.S. EM residency program directors. The survey instrument evaluated five domains of M+M (Organization and Infrastructure; Case Finding; Case Selection; Presentation; and Follow up) based on the validated Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Safety Culture survey.
There was an 80% (151/188) response rate. The primary objectives of M+M were discussing adverse outcomes (53/151, 35%), identifying systems errors (47/151, 31%) and identifying cognitive errors (26/151, 17%). Fifty-six percent (84/151) of institutions have anonymous case submission, with 10% (15/151) maintaining complete anonymity during the presentation and 21% (31/151) maintaining partial anonymity. Forty-seven percent (71/151) of programs report a formal process to follow up on systems issues identified at M+M. Forty-four percent (67/151) of programs report regular debriefing with residents who have had their cases presented.
The structure and goals of M+Ms in EM residencies vary widely. Many programs lack features of M+M that promote a non-punitive response to error, such as anonymity. Other programs lack features that support strong safety cultures, such as following up on systems issues or reporting back to residents on improvements. Further research is warranted to determine if M+M structure is related to patient safety culture in residency programs.

via Morbidity and Mortality Conference in Emergency Medicine Residencies and the Culture of Safety. – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: An investigation into the optimal number of distractors in single-best answer exams

In UK medical schools, five-option single-best answer (SBA) questions are the most widely accepted format of summative knowledge assessment. However, writing SBA questions with four effective incorrect options is difficult and time consuming, and consequently, many SBAs contain a high frequency of implausible distractors. Previous research has suggested that fewer than five-options could hence be used for assessment, without deterioration in quality. Despite an existing body of empirical research in this area however, evidence from undergraduate medical education is sparse. The study investigated the frequency of non-functioning distractors in a sample of 480 summative SBA questions at Cardiff University. Distractor functionality was analysed, and then various question models were tested to investigate the impact of reducing the number of distractors per question on examination difficulty, reliability, discrimination and pass rates. A survey questionnaire was additionally administered to 108 students (33 % response rate) to gain insight into their perceptions of these models. The simulation of various exam models revealed that, for four and three-option SBA models, pass rates, reliability, and mean item discrimination remained relatively constant. The average percentage mark however consistently increased by 1-3 % with the four and three-option models, respectively. The questionnaire survey revealed that the student body had mixed views towards the proposed format change. This study is one of the first to comprehensively investigate distractor performance in SBA examinations in undergraduate medical education. It provides evidence to suggest that using three-option SBA questions would maximise efficiency whilst maintaining, or possibly improving, psychometric quality, through allowing a greater number of questions per exam paper.

via An investigation into the optimal number of distractors in single-best answer exams. – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Virtual Patients in continuing medical education and residency training

To conduct a systematic review focusing on the impact of training programs on ankle-brachial index (ABI) performance by medical students, doctors and primary care providers. Lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a highly prevalent disease affecting ∼202 million people worldwide. ABI is an essential component of medical education because of its ability to diagnose PAD, and as it is a powerful prognostic marker for overall and cardiovascular related mortality.
A systematic search was conducted (up to May 2015) using Medline, Embase, and Web of Science databases.
Five studies have addressed the impact of a training program on ABI performance by either medical students, doctors or primary care providers. All were assigned a low GRADE system quality. The components of the training vary greatly either in substance (what was taught) or in form (duration of the training, and type of support which was used). No consistency was found in the outcome measures.
According to this systematic review, only few studies, with a low quality rating, have addressed which training program should be performed to provide the best way of teaching how to perform ABI. Future high quality researches are required to define objectively the best training program to facilitate ABI teaching and learning.

via Training to Perform Ankle-Brachial Index: Systematic Review and Perspectives to Improve Teaching and Learning. – PubMed – NCBI.

MANUSCRIPT: Virtual Patients in continuing medical education and residency training

Virtual patients (VPs) are a one-of-a-kind e-learning resource, fostering clinical reasoning skills through clinical case examples. The combination with face-to-face teaching is important for their successful integration, which is referred to as “blended learning”. So far little is known about the use of VPs in the field of continuing medical education and residency training. The pilot study presented here inquired the application of VPs in the framework of a pediatric residency revision course.
Around 200 participants of a pediatric nephology lecture (‘nephrotic and nephritic syndrome in children’) were offered two VPs as a wrap-up session at the revision course of the German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) 2009 in Heidelberg, Germany. Using a web-based survey form, different aspects were evaluated concerning the learning experiences with VPs, the combination with the lecture, and the use of VPs for residency training in general.
N=40 evaluable survey forms were returned (approximately 21%). The return rate was impaired by a technical problem with the local Wi-Fi firewall. The participants perceived the work-up of the VPs as a worthwhile learning experience, with proper preparation for diagnosing and treating real patients with similar complaints. Case presentations, interactivity, and locally and timely independent repetitive practices were, in particular, pointed out. On being asked about the use of VPs in general for residency training, there was a distinct demand for more such offers.
VPs may reasonably complement existing learning activities in residency training.

via Virtual Patients in continuing medical education and residency training: a pilot project for acceptance analysis in the framework of a residency re… – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Measuring the Impact of Longitudinal Faculty Development: A Study of Academic Achievement

Although faculty development programs in medical education have increased over the past two decades, there is a lack of rigorous program evaluation. The aim of this study was to determine quantifiable outcomes of Harvard Medical School’s (HMS’s) Fellowship in Medical Education and evaluate attainment of its goals.
In 2005 and 2009 the authors collected curricula vitae (CVs) and conducted within-subject analysis of 42 fellowship graduates and also conducted comparison analysis between 12 academic year 2005 fellows and 12 faculty who did not participate in the program. The authors identified 10 metrics of academic advancement. CV analysis for the 42 graduates started 2 years prior to fellowship enrollment and continued for 2-year intervals until June 2009 (10 years of data collection). CV analysis for the comparison group was from 2003 to 2009. The authors also analyzed association between gender and academic outcomes.
Fellowship graduates demonstrated significant changes in 4 of 10 academic metrics by the end of the fellowship year: academic promotion, educational leadership, education committees, and education funding. Two metrics-educational leadership and committees-showed increased outcomes two years post fellowship, with a positive trend for promotions. Fellowship graduates significantly outpaced the comparison group in 6 of 10 metrics. Women did significantly more committee work, secured more education funding, and were promoted more often than men.
Findings indicate that the HMS Fellowship in Medical Education meets programmatic goals and produces positive, measurable academic outcomes. Standardized evaluation metrics of longitudinal faculty development programs would aid cross-institutional comparisons.

via Measuring the Impact of Longitudinal Faculty Development: A Study of Academic Achievement. – PubMed – NCBI.

RESOURCE: Threshold Concepts: Undergraduate Teaching, Postgraduate Training and Professional Development A short introduction and bibliography

Over the past decade this concept has been embraced by many disciplines outside economics; indeed the above quote is from Glynis Cousin’s excellent short introduction to the concept written for earth scientists. The threshold concept has been seen as a valuable tool, not only in facilitating students’ understanding of their subject, but in aiding the rational development of curricula in rapidly expanding arenas where there is a strong tendency to overload the curriculum (Cousin, [7, 9]). This web page will describe, briefly, the characteristics of a threshold concept and list selected references to the work of those examining its value in a broad range of disciplines.

via The Threshold Concept.

ABSTRACT: Building capacity for education research among clinical educators in the health professions

There is a growing desire for health professions educators to generate high-quality education research; yet, few of them encounter the training to do so. In response, health professions faculties have increasingly been devoting resources to provide members with the skills necessary for education research. The form and impact of these efforts have not been reviewed, though such a synthesis could be useful for practice. The objectives of this systematic review were to (1) identify interventions aimed at building capacity for education research among health professions clinical educators and (2) review the outcomes of these interventions.
We developed a systematic review protocol based on our pilot scoping search. This protocol underwent peer review and was prospectively registered with the Best Evidence Medical Education Collaboration. Based on this protocol, we conducted a comprehensive search of health professions’ databases and related grey literature. Systematic methods were applied: two independent reviewers completed title screening and full text review for inclusion, data extraction, and methodological quality assessment. Studies were included if they reported outcomes for interventions designed to increase capacity for health professions clinical educators to conduct education research. We conducted a qualitative synthesis of the evidence which included detailed reporting of intervention characteristics and outcomes.
Our search returned 14, 149 results, 241 of which were retained after title and abstract screening, and 30 of which met inclusion criteria after full text review. Seven groups of interventions were identified, the most frequent being teaching scholars programs (n = 10), health professions education fellowships (n = 3) or master’s programs (n = 4). The most commonly measured outcome was change related to enhanced scholarly outputs (grants, papers, abstracts, and presentations) post-intervention. Unfortunately, most of the included studies lacked detailed description of the intervention and were of low to moderate quality with post-test only design.
This review demonstrates that various interventions can have a positive impact on the ability of health professions clinical educators to conduct education research. We note several key elements of the interventions including: (1) protected time, (2) mentorship and/or collaboration, (3) departmental and institutional commitment and leadership, and (4) financial support. Through our analysis we describe the complexities around evaluating clinical educators’ health professions research activities and the interventions used to promote education research. While improved study quality would allow more detailed understanding and evaluation of these key features, we are able to provide recommendations for potential strategies for improving participation in and quality of health professions education research based on this analysis.

via Building capacity for education research among clinical educators in the health professions: A BEME (Best Evidence Medical Education) Systematic Re… – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Exploring patterns and pattern languages of medical education.

The practices and concepts of medical education are often treated as global constants even though they can take many forms depending on the contexts in which they are realised. This represents challenges in presenting and appraising medical education research, as well as in translating practices and concepts between different contexts. This paper explores the problem and seeks to respond to its challenges.
This paper explores the application of architectural theorist Christopher Alexander’s work on patterns and pattern languages to medical education. The authors review the underlying concepts of patterns and pattern language, they consider the development of pattern languages in medical education, they suggest possible applications of pattern languages for medical education and they discuss the implications of such use. Examples are drawn from across the field of medical education.
The authors argue that the deliberate and systematic use of patterns and pattern languages in describing medical educational activities, systems and contexts can help us to make sense of the world, and the pattern languages of medical education have the potential to advance understanding and scholarship in medical education, to drive innovation and to enable critical engagement with many of the underlying issues in this field.

via Exploring patterns and pattern languages of medical education. – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: How does peer teaching compare to faculty teaching?

In undergraduate medical education, peer-teaching has become an established and common method to enhance student learning. Evidence suggests that peer-teaching provides learning benefits for both learners and tutors. We aimed to describe the outcomes for medical students taught by peers through systematic review and meta-analysis of existing literature.
Seven databases were searched through 21 terms and their Boolean combinations. Studies reporting knowledge or skills outcomes of students taught by peers compared to those taught by faculty or qualified clinicians were included. Extracted data on students’ knowledge and skills outcomes were synthesised through a random effects model meta-analysis.
The search yielded 2292 studies. Five hundred and fifty-three duplicates and 1611 irrelevant articles were removed during title-screening. The abstracts of 128 papers were screened against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Ten studies have been included in the review. Meta-analyses showed no significant difference in peer-teaching compared to faculty teaching for knowledge or skills outcomes, standardised mean differences were 0.07 (95% CI: -0.07, 0.21) and 0.11 (95% CI: -0.07, 1.29), respectively.
Students taught by peers do not have significantly different outcomes to those taught by faculty. As the process of teaching helps to develop both tutor knowledge and teaching skills, peer-teaching should be supported.

via How does peer teaching compare to faculty teaching? A systematic review and meta-analysis. – PubMed – NCBI.