Annual Event Honors Area Individuals And Organizations Creating and Innovating with Technology
To Make Noteworthy Impact on Society
April 10, 2013 – CBIC has announced the finalists to be honored at the upcoming 15th Annual CBIC Awards Gala on Thursday, May 30 at Farmington Country Club. The evening begins with cocktails at 5:15 p.m., followed by the dinner and ceremony at 6:15 and networking at 8:15.
Tickets are now available for this highly-anticipated annual event, which salutes area individuals and organizations making a noteworthy economic impact on society through entrepreneurship and the development and commercialization of new technologies. For more details, visit www.cvillebic.org.
The theme for this year’s event is “Appetite for Innovation,” capitalizing on the unique mix of creativity and inspiration shared by chefs and entrepreneurs as they devise their respective recipes for success.
“Even in what have been challenging economic times, our region continues to stand out as a hotbed for entrepreneurs and innovation-based businesses,” said Tracey Danner, Executive Director CBIC and co-chair of the gala. “This growth, and the success of these companies, is responsible for strengthening the overall entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem here, while creating significant opportunities for career, job and investment growth.”
The majority of the award honorees are determined by a diverse panel of judges with expertise in advancing technology and innovation both in Central Virginia and beyond. Exceptions include the People’s Choice Navigator Award, determined by community-wide online voting, and the CBIC Leadership Award, selected by the chair of CBIC with input from its board of directors. Finalists are not announced in the CBIC Leadership Award category.
Honorees receive a commemorative award, a $100 gift certificate from WishWishCharlottesville and recognition at the evening gala, held at Farmington Country Club. Past honorees include HemoShear, Mikro Systems, HemoSonics, Dominion Digital, RelayFoods, Teachstone, and many other pioneering firms and individuals.
Teacher recipients of the Red Apple Award from the past four years include: Corrie Kelly of Woodbrook Elementary School, Michael Craddock of Monticello High School, Tony Wayne of Albemarle High School, and Matt Shields of Charlottesville High School. Each of whom received a $2,500 grant from CBIC for use on technology needs for their classroom and students. The 2013 Red Apple award recipient will also receive a Technology in Education grant of $2,500 underwritten by Garris and Company and Explore Learning.
The 2013 CBIC Awards and Finalists Are:
The Rocket Award – Presented to that enterprise that has moved with noteworthy speed from concept toward commercialization or acquisition. This could be any size company that has developed a new technology or product in a new business or within an existing business.

• ArcheMedx
• Nouri, Inc.
• Hotelicopter
Spotlight Award – Presented to any company from startup to mature enterprise that has brought significant positive attention spotlighting business innovation in our region.
• Pure Madi
• U.Va. Innovation
• Willow Tree Apps
Breakthrough Award – Presented to that enterprise or individual for achieving a remarkable breakthrough or quantum advance. This may also be the result of a seemingly unlikely re-direction or unforeseen application of a currently existing solution.
• Diffusion Pharmaceuticals
• Focused Ultrasound Foundation
• Rivanna Medical
Community Award – Presented to any CBIC individual or company member from startup to mature enterprise that has served as a role model for community volunteerism, through their personal donation of both time and resources, or in the case of a company, through a corporate culture of giving time and resources.
• Community Investment Collaborative
• HackCville
• Sigora Solar
People’s Choice Navigator Award –Presented to that individual or entity that has demonstrated significant leadership in the local or regional business community. This award honoree has been involved actively or previously to make significant contributions toward the improvement or advancement of our region’s high-tech or entrepreneurial environment; thereby, improving the quality of life for many.
• Mark Green
• Toan Nguyen
• Reg Woods, Brian Campbell and Mac Thompson (collectively)
Red Apple Award – For the K-12 educator who clearly and consistently is able to the most with available resources to inspire and prepare students for the limitless possibilities in technology.
• Jeff Prillaman – Albemarle High School
• Carrie Taylor – Western Albemarle High School
• Michael Thornton – Meriwether Lewis Elementary School
The recipient of the People’s Choice Navigator Award is determined by online voting at http://cvillebic.org/awards. Voting is open through midnight May 5.
The 2013 CBIC Awards Gala will begin at 5:15 PM on Thursday, May 30. Seating for the event is limited, so early reservations are encouraged. Single tickets can be reserved online, or table reservations can be made by contacting Tracey Danner at [email protected] or (434) 242-5886. Please visit www.cvillebic.org for information regarding gala tickets, the CBIC awards, 2012 award recipients, 2013 finalists, and gala fundraiser sponsors, and to learn more about the Charlottesville Business Innovation Council.
About the Charlottesville Business Innovation Council
CBIC is the private-sector catalyst and advocate for entrepreneurship and innovation-based businesses and economic development in Central Virginia. It serves its members and the broader community by providing educational programs and opportunities for productive networking, through advocacy with governmental and media constituencies and by presenting events that inform and inspire our community. For more: visit www.cvillebic.org, follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/CBICouncil or the gala at #cbicawards.