This article outlines a meta-analysis of the 10 learning techniques identified in Dunlosky et al. (2013a), and is based on 242 studies, 1,619 effects, 169,179 unique participants, with an overall mean of 0.56. The most effective techniques are Distributed Practice and Practice Testing and the least effective (but still with relatively high effects) are Underlining and Summarization. A major limitation was that the majority of studies in the meta-analysis were based on surface or factual outcomes, and there is caution needed when applying these findings to deeper and more relational outcomes. Other important moderators included the presence of feedback or not, near or far transfer, and the effects were much greater for lower than higher ability students. It is recommended that more attention be paid to when, under what conditions, each technique can be used, and how they can best be taught.
The Stories Your Data (can) Tell: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Participation Phases of Learning and What They Teach Us
From recognizing the signs of mere certificate seekers to enhancing the match between educational content and clinician expectations, this white paper sheds light on the path to tailor CME programs that not only resonate with medical professionals but also foster impactful learning outcomes.